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Goal: Solving third order polynomial equation, from data modelling in excel to python.

This is a practical problem solving in math. To be specific, finding polynomial coefficient, using known value. Instead of theory, we use spreadsheet calc/excel, and also coding such as python.

The difference with previous interpolation is, the approach of getting the matrix solution. Since inverse can only work with square nxn matrix. We need to alter the equation a bit with transpose.

Instead of linset, we are going to calculate the solution manually. The step by step approach is required to get deeper understanding, of how things works.

Polynomial: Excel Preview

Then we are going to use this matrix approach to replace polyfit with manual calculation. Even when you have library to solve the equation, fundamental understanding is still required, before stepping-up to further knowledge.


In spreadsheet, there is a formula called linset, that you can just, use it right away.

My intention is deriving equation using spreadsheet. So I won’t use this formula.

Step by Step

We would pick third order polynomial as a case. Then we would explain in systematic way.

  • Start with cubic equation with know coefficient, to produce Y-value, using spreadsheet.
  • Solve the Y-Value, using spreadsheet, but this time with the help of matrix.
  • Inverse using spreadsheet, find the coefficient, with know Y-Value.
  • Write down the matirx equation in Python.

Worksheet Source

Playsheet Artefact

The Excel file is available, so you can have fun, modify as you want.

Polynomial Case

Task: Find the coefficient.

Simple numerical method for statistical problem.

Polynomial Expression

A cubic polynomial equation can be describe as this expression below:

This third degree polynomial have four coefficient: a, b, c and d.

Known Data

In solving polynomial, we have known data series, and unknown coefficient. Our task is to find the coeffient, based on known data.

For example, we have 13 pairs of value.

X Y-Value
0 5
1 10
2 410
3 90
4 190
5 350
6 460
7 960
8 1050
9 1740
10 1340
11 3270
12 3540

Cubic Equation

Consider reverse our task, find the data for known coefficient.

Coeff. Value
a 5
b 4
c 3
d 2


The equation would be:

LaTeX user can obtain the equation here:

y = 5 + 4{x} + 3{x}^2 + 2{x}^3

Applying Equation

Applying equation for each pairs can be written as below:

Polynomial: Latex: Matrix Equation


In Excel/Calc this can be represented as this image below:

Polynomial: Excel Equation: Formula

In the same sheet, we can also draw the XY line in a chart as below figure:

Polynomial: Excel Equation: Chart

We are going to solve this formula with different method.

Matrix Equation

Getting unknown Y-Value


We can represent our formula as 13x4 matrix.

Polynomial: Excel Matrix: Formula

If we cross multiply this 13x4 matrix with 4x1 coefficient matrix, we are going to have the result as 13x1 matrix.

Polynomial: Excel Matrix: Cross Matrix

The excel formula is MMULT. We require curly bracket to work with array. To calculate array in Calc, you can use ctrl+shift+enter, for example for this {=MMULT(F6:I18;K6:K9)} formula.

Polynomial: Excel Matrix: Formula Screenshot

Now we are ready to solve our real problem. Reverse back to unknown coefficient for known Y-Value.


Vandermonde Matrix

The formula representation of the 13x4 matrix is as below:

LaTeX user can obtain the equation here:

    1 & x_0 & {x_0}^2 & {x_0}^3 \\
    1 & x_1 & {x_1}^2 & {x_1}^3 \\
    1 & x_2 & {x_2}^2 & {x_2}^3 \\
    1 & x_3 & {x_3}^2 & {x_3}^3 \\
    1 & x_4 & {x_4}^2 & {x_4}^3 \\
    1 & x_5 & {x_5}^2 & {x_5}^3 \\
    1 & x_6 & {x_6}^2 & {x_6}^3 \\
    1 & x_7 & {x_7}^2 & {x_7}^3 \\
    1 & x_8 & {x_8}^2 & {x_8}^3 \\
    1 & x_9 & {x_9}^2 & {x_9}^3 \\
    1 & x_{10} & {x_{10}}^2 & {x_{10}}^3 \\
    1 & x_{11} & {x_{11}}^2 & {x_{11}}^3 \\
    1 & x_{12} & {x_{12}}^2 & {x_{12}}^3 \\
    a \\
    b \\
    c \\
    d \\
    y_0 \\
    y_1 \\
    y_2 \\
    y_3 \\
    y_4 \\
    y_5 \\
    y_6 \\
    y_7 \\
    y_8 \\
    y_9 \\
    y_{10} \\
    y_{11} \\
    y_{12} \\

The 13x4 size matrix can be described as:

  • 13 number of data.
  • 4 coefficient, for third order.

Inverse Matrix

Getting unknown coefficient

Problem Domain

The problem domain can be shown as below spreadsheeet:

Polynomial: Excel Matrix: Problem Domain


We are going to solve the formula above using this equation

Inverse can only work with square nxn matrix. Since our 13x4 matrix is definitely not a square matrix. We need to alter the equation a bit with transpose.


If you are curious, the LaTeX code can be obtained here:

              &&    A\mathbf{C}     &= \mathbf{B} \\
  \Rightarrow &&    A^T A\mathbf{C} &= A^T \mathbf{B} \\
  \Rightarrow &&    \mathbf{C}      &= (A^T A)^{-1} A^T \mathbf{B}

You can use quicklatex to generate LaTeX.

![Polynomial: Latex: Matrix Equation][13-latex-solving]


With transpose formula such as: =TRANSPOSE(E9:H21), we can have the matrix transposed as below:

Polynomial: Excel Matrix: Transpose

Cross Multiply

Again, we can cross multiply both, with MMULT.

Polynomial: Excel Matrix: At x A Polynomial: Excel Matrix: At x B


You can use minverse formula, such as {=MINVERSE(E32:H35)}.

Polynomial: Excel Matrix: Inverse

You can examine the excel formula here.

Polynomial: Excel Matrix: Formula Screenshot


Polynomial: Excel Matrix: Coefficient

You can examine the excel formula here.

Polynomial: Excel Matrix: Formula Screenshot

Yes we have the result.

Big Picture

You can examine the big picture as below:

Polynomial: Excel Matrix: Big Picture

Matrix in Python

Consider represent above equation into python code.

Source Code

You can obtain the source code in below links:

Setup Matrix A

We can utilize numpy to setup matrix,

import numpy as np

order = 3
mx  = np.array([
        0, 1, 2, 3,
        4, 5, 6, 7,
        8, 9, 10, 11, 12])

And also list comprehension to setup the Matrix.

mA = np.array([ 
       [(x ** i) for i in range(order+1)]
         for x in mx])


With numpy, the matrix result is nicer, compared with regular array.

$ python 01-poly.py
[[   1    0    0    0]
 [   1    1    1    1]
 [   1    2    4    8]
 [   1    3    9   27]
 [   1    4   16   64]
 [   1    5   25  125]
 [   1    6   36  216]
 [   1    7   49  343]
 [   1    8   64  512]
 [   1    9   81  729]
 [   1   10  100 1000]
 [   1   11  121 1331]
 [   1   12  144 1728]]

You can see the result here:

Polynomial: Python: Setup Matrix A

Numpy’s Vander

This is a Vandermonde Matrix, and python numpy has built in vander function.

mV = np.vander(mx, 4)

But the arrangement for the built in vandermonde

While our arrangement is

So what we have to do is flip the result horizontally.

mV = np.flip(np.vander(mx, 4), axis=1)

We can replace our list comprehension with vander.

Matrix Operation

Getting unknown coefficient

Matrix operation in python is incredibly simple. Let’s say we have this setup. A know XY value pairs.

import numpy as np

order = 3
mx  = np.array([
        0, 1, 2, 3,
        4, 5, 6, 7,
        8, 9, 10, 11, 12])
mB  = np.array([
         5,   14,   41,   98,
       197,  350,  569,  866,
      1253, 1742, 2345, 3074, 3941])

mA = np.array([ 
       [(x ** i) for i in range(order+1)]
         for x in mx])

Polynomial: Python Source: Setup Matrix A and B

We can prepare to compute the previous matrix equation.

mAt   = np.transpose(mA)
mAt_A = np.matmul(mAt, mA)
mAt_B = np.matmul(mAt, mB)

And finally get the result:

mAt_A_i = np.linalg.inv(mAt_A)
mC      = np.matmul(mAt_A_i, mAt_B)
print("Coefficients (a, b, c, d):", mC)

Or even shorter

mC      = np.linalg.solve(mAt_A, mAt_B)
print("Coefficients (a, b, c, d):", mC)

Polynomial: Python Source: Getting Coefficient

@ (at) Operator

If you wish you can use @ (at) operator.

# Calculated Matrix Variable

mA    = np.flip(np.vander(mx, 4), axis=1)
mAt   = np.transpose(mA)
mAt_A = mAt @ mA
mAt_B = mAt @ mB

# First Method
mAt_A_i = np.linalg.inv(mAt_A)
mC      = mAt_A_i @ mAt_B
print("Coefficients (a, b, c, d):", mC)

# Second Method
mC      = np.linalg.solve(mAt_A, mAt_B)
print("Coefficients (a, b, c, d):", mC)

# Draw Plot
[a, b, c, d] = mC


We can even plot the result.

Source Code

You can obtain the source code in below link:

Basic Plot

Consider plot rewrite the previous calculation.

Polynomial: Python Source: Calculation

And plot the result.

x_plot = np.linspace(min(mx), max(mx), 100)
y_plot = a + b * x_plot + \
         c * x_plot**2 + d * x_plot**3

plt.scatter(mx, mB, label='Data points')
plt.plot(x_plot, y_plot, color='red',
  label='Fitted third-order polynomial')

  'Third-order polynomial curve fitting')


Polynomial: Python Source: Plot

With the result as.

Polynomial: Python: Matplolib

Test Other Data

Consider change the initial value, so we can test how valid our equation is.

mB  = np.array([
         5,   10,  410,   90,
       190,  350,  460,  960,
      1050, 1740, 1340, 3270, 3540])

The matrix equation should remain the same.

Polynomial: Python Source: Plot

Append additional title:

# Draw Plot
[a, b, c, d] = mC


  'Third-order polynomial curve fitting')

subfmt = "a = %.2f, b = %.2f c = %.2f, d = %.2f"
plt.title(subfmt % (a, b, c, d), y=-0.01)


Polynomial: Python Source: Plot

Now we can see, how the line fit the dots.

Polynomial: Python: Matplolib

You can do it yourself.

Enhance Script

You can make your life easier with these few tricks:

Source Code

You can obtain the source code in below link:

Setup Numpy

Instead of formatting data all the time, we can set the numpy output globally.

# Setup numpy
    'int':   '{:30,d}'.format,
    'float': '{:10,.8f}'.format

Polynomial: Python Source: Output

Data Source with CSV

Instead of array, you can have your data source from anywhere, from database, spreadsheet, or simple CSV.

# Getting Matrix Values
mCSV = np.genfromtxt("poly.csv",
  skip_header=1, delimiter=",", dtype=float)

mCSVt   = np.transpose(mCSV)
mx = mCSVt[0]
mB = mCSVt[1]

Polynomial: Python Source: Generate from CSV

You can get the example CSV here.

The CSV looks like this file below:



Instead of doing calculation manually, you can utilize polyfit. This way make it easy to choose any polynomial degree.

# Initial Matrix Value
order = 3

mCSVt   = np.transpose(mCSV)
x_values = mx = mCSVt[0]
y_values = mB = mCSVt[1]

# Perform cubic regression using polyfit
mC = np.polyfit(x_values, y_values, deg=order)
print('Using polyfit')
print(f'Coefficients (a, b, c, d):\n\t{np.flip(mC)}\n')

Polynomial: Python Source: Using Polyfit

Now you can have output as below:

$ python 05-poly.py
Using polyfit
Coefficients (a, b, c, d):
	[5.00000000 4.00000000 3.00000000 2.00000000]

Output Result

For debugging purpose you can show each preciction value line by line.

for x in mx:
  y = a + b*x + c*x**2 + d*x**3
  print(f'x = {x:5}  =>  y = {y:10,.2f} ')
$ python 05-poly.py
x =   0.0  =>  y =       5.00 
x =   1.0  =>  y =      14.00 
x =   2.0  =>  y =      41.00 
x =   3.0  =>  y =      98.00 
x =   4.0  =>  y =     197.00 
x =   5.0  =>  y =     350.00 
x =   6.0  =>  y =     569.00 
x =   7.0  =>  y =     866.00 
x =   8.0  =>  y =   1,253.00 
x =   9.0  =>  y =   1,742.00 
x =  10.0  =>  y =   2,345.00 
x =  11.0  =>  y =   3,074.00 
x =  12.0  =>  y =   3,941.00 

Polynomial: Output Result

Editable Output

This not enhanced script, but rather a trick. Instead of exporting .png from matplotlib, you can export to .svg. Sometimes you need to alter the result for further processing, such as report, or removing annoying lines quickly.

Polynomial: Python: Matplolib

You can have the SVG source from here

Choosing Order

In my experience, higher order tend to have further precision. If you have issue with precision, you might consider lower order.

# Initial Matrix Value
order = 2

Interactive JupyterLab

You can obtain the interactive JupyterLab in this following link:

What’s Our Next Endeavor 🤔?

It is fun, right?

We can describe mathematical equation, in practical way. What do you think?

But what good is it a theory without a ready to used material fro daily basis. I present you simple tools, the spreadsheet, and the python script, covering linear, quadratic and cubic.

Consider continuing your exploration with [ Trend - Polynomial Examples ].