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Goal: Solving trend with built-in method available in excel and python.

Before you dive into the realm of manual calculating of curve fitting, you should know that there is already an easy to use method.

  1. linset in Excel/Calc
  2. polyfit in python

Worksheet Source

Playsheet Artefact

The workbook containing multiple sheet.

Spreadsheet: Workbook with Multiple Worksheet

The Excel file is available, so you can have fun, modify as you want.


The easiest way to get curve fitting coefficient, in spreadsheet in Excel or Calc is by using linest formula.

  • y = a + bx
  • y = a + bx + cx²
  • y = a + bx + cx² + dx³


Considering the order we can arrange the equation in tabular manner.

Linear Linest

Consider this linear equation:

Linest: Curve Fitting in Spreadsheet

The formula is simply as below. Be aware that the first argument is y column first, then x column.


In order to save space, I usually put the result in one column using transpose.


With this result, we get the linear equation as

Quadratic Linest

Consider this quadratic equation:

The formula is as below:


And the transposed version is:


With this result, we get the quadratic equation as

Since the formula contain array such as {1.2}, Do not forget to use ctrl+shift+enter after entering the formula.

Cubic Linest

With the same mtehod we can get cubic equation:

The formula is as below:


And the transposed version is:


With this result, we get the quadratic equation as

Since the formula contain array such as {1.2.3}, Do not forget to use ctrl+shift+enter after entering the formula.

Comparing Linest

Three Linest using The Same Series

Now we can compare three different results form one source series.

Linest: Three Linest using The Same Series


The easiest way to get curve fitting coefficient, in python script is by using polyfit method in numpy.

The library that we need is just numpy and matplotplib:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Linear Polyfit

You can obtain the source code in below link:

We can start with given data series and order.

x_values = np.array([
  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12])
y_values = np.array([
  5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37, 41, 45, 49, 53])

Then getting the polynomial coefficient using polyfit method:

# Curve Fitting Order
order = 1

# Perform linear regression using polyfit
mC = np.polyfit(x_values, y_values, deg=order)
print('Using polyfit')
print(f'Coefficients (a, b):\n\t{np.flip(mC)}\n')

With the result as below coefficient:

Using polyfit
Coefficients (a, b):
        [5. 4.]

With this result, we get the linear equation as


We can plot the result with matplotlib. First calculate the x_plot and y_plot:

# Draw Plot
[a, b] = np.flip(mC)
x_plot = np.linspace(min(x_values), max(x_values), 100)
y_plot = a + b * x_plot

Then draw two chart in the same plt object.

plt.scatter(x_values, y_values, label='Data points')
plt.plot(x_plot, y_plot, color='red',
  label='Linear Equation')

Add some accesories

  'Straight line fitting')

And finally show the plot.

subfmt = "a = %.2f, b = %.2f"
plt.title(subfmt % (a, b), y=-0.01)


Now we can enjoy the simple result as below:

Python: Matplotlib Result: Linear Polyfit

You can obtain the interactive JupyterLab in following link:

Quadratic Polyfit

You can obtain the source code in below link:

We can start with given data series and order.

x_values = np.array([
  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12])
y_values = np.array([
  5, 12, 25, 44, 69, 100, 137,
  180, 229, 284, 345, 412, 485])

With similar script but different order, we can get the coefficient of quadratic equation.

With the result as below:

Using polyfit
Coefficients (a, b, c):
        [5. 4. 3.]

With this result, we get the quadratic equation as

With data series above we can get the result as this perfect fit below:

Python: Matplotlib Result: Quadratic Polyfit

You can obtain the interactive JupyterLab in following link:

Cubic Polyfit

We can start with given data series and order.

x_values = np.array([
  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12])
y_values = np.array([
  5, 14, 41, 98, 197, 350, 569, 866, 
  1253, 1742, 2345, 3074, 3941])

You can obtain the source code in below link:

With similar script but different order, we can get the coefficient of cubic equation.

With the result as below:

Using polyfit
Coefficients (a, b, c):
        [5. 4. 3.]

With this result, we get the cubic equation as

With data series above we can get the result as this perfect fit below:

Python: Matplotlib Result: Cubic Polyfit

You can obtain the interactive JupyterLab in following link:

Playing with data

Now we can play with various order [1, 2 or 3], and also various custom series [ys1, ys2 or ys3]:

Custom Series

def main() -> int:
  order = 2

  xs = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
  ys1 = [ 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29,
    33, 37, 41, 45, 49, 53]
  ys2 = [ 5, 12, 25, 44, 69, 100, 137,
    180, 229, 284, 345, 412, 485]
  ys3 = [ 5, 14, 41, 98, 197, 350, 569,
    866, 1253, 1742, 2345, 3074, 3941]

  example = CurveFitting(xs, ys3)
  return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
  raise SystemExit(main())

Class Skeleton

This utilized custom CurveFitting class with skeleton as below:

class CurveFitting:
  def __init__(self, order: int,
  def calc_coeff(self) -> None:
  def calc_plot_1st(self) -> None:
  def calc_plot_2nd(self) -> None:
  def calc_plot_3rd(self) -> None:
  def draw_plot(self) -> None:
  def process(self) -> None:

def main() -> int:

Python: Vim: Skeleton Examples

The link to the source code is given above.

Example Curve Fitting

For example, the third series, with polyfit of second order polynomial:

  ys3 = [ 5, 14, 41, 98, 197, 350, 569,
    866, 1253, 1742, 2345, 3074, 3941]

With the result as below coefficient:

Using polyfit
Coefficients (a, b, c):
        [ 137. -162.   39.]

We get the quadratic equation as

With data series above we can get the curve fitting as below:

Python: Matplotlib Result: Linear Polyfit

Comparing Plot

We can merge also all plot at once, for easy comparation

Data Series

For example using these series, you may choose ys1, ys2, or ys3:

xs, ys1, ys2, ys3
0,  5,   5,   5
1,  9,   12,  14
2,  13,  25,  41
3,  17,  44,  98
4,  21,  69,  197
5,  25,  100, 350
6,  29,  137, 569
7,  33,  180, 866
8,  37,  229, 1253
9,  41,  284, 1742
10, 45,  345, 2345
11, 49,  412, 3074
12, 53,  485, 3941

Python: Manual Calculation: Statistical Properties: CSV Source

We can manage the main method. We start with the main(), store array in numpy.

def main() -> int:
  # Getting Matrix Values
  mCSV = np.genfromtxt("series.csv",
    skip_header=1, delimiter=",", dtype=float)
  mCSVt   = np.transpose(mCSV)

  example = CurveFitting(mCSVt[0], mCSVt[3])
  return 0

Let’s say that we pick ys3, then we choose mCSVt[3] as curve fitting parameter.

Class Skeleton

This utilized custom CurveFitting class with skeleton as below:

class CurveFitting:
  def __init__(self, xs, ys : List[int]) -> None:
  def calc_coeff(self, order) -> np.ndarray:
  def calc_plot_all(self) -> None:
  def draw_plot(self) -> None:
  def process(self) -> None:

def main() -> int:

Python: Vim: Skeleton Examples

The link to the source code is given above.


class CurveFitting:
  def __init__(self, xs, ys : List[int]) -> None:

    # Given data
    self.xs = np.array(xs)
    self.ys = np.array(ys)

Calculate Coefficient

Prepare a method to calculate coefficient based on order:

  def calc_coeff(self, order) -> np.ndarray:
    # Perform regression using polyfit,
    mC = np.polyfit(self.xs, self.ys, deg=order)

    # Display
    coeff_text = {
      1: '(a, b)', 2: '(a, b, c)', 3: '(a, b, c, d)'}
    order_text = {
      1: 'Linear',  2: 'Quadratic ', 3: 'Cubic'}

    print(f'Using polyfit : {order_text[order]}')
    print(f'Coefficients  : {coeff_text[order]}:'
      + f'\n\t{np.flip(mC)}\n')

    # Get coefficient matrix
    return np.flip(mC)

Get all the coefficient:

  def process(self) -> None:
    self.mCoeff_1st = self.calc_coeff(1)
    self.mCoeff_2nd = self.calc_coeff(2)
    self.mCoeff_3rd = self.calc_coeff(3)

Python: Vim: Calculate Coefficient

With the coefficient result as:

❯ python 17-polyfit-merge.py
Using polyfit : Linear
Coefficients  : (a, b):
	[-721.  306.]

Using polyfit : Quadratic 
Coefficients  : (a, b, c):
	[ 137. -162.   39.]

Using polyfit : Cubic
Coefficients  : (a, b, c, d):
	[5. 4. 3. 2.]

Python: Coefficient: Result

Now we have all the equations:

Calculate The Plot Value

With that coefficient above, we can calculate all the x_plot and y_plot values.

  def calc_plot_all(self) -> None:
    self.x_plot = xp = np.linspace(
      min(self.xs), max(self.xs), 100)

    [a1, b1] = self.mCoeff_1st
    self.y1_plot = a1 + b1 * xp

    [a2, b2, c2] = self.mCoeff_2nd
    self.y2_plot = a2 + b2 * xp + c2 * xp**2

    [a3, b3, c3, d3] = self.mCoeff_3rd
    self.y3_plot = a3 + b3 * xp + c3 * xp**2 + d3 * xp**3

Then plot all the different y_plot in one plt object.

  def draw_plot(self) -> None:
    plt.scatter(self.xs, self.ys, label='Data points', color='teal')
    plt.plot(self.x_plot, self.y1_plot, color='red',
      label='Linear Equation')
    plt.plot(self.x_plot, self.y2_plot, color='green',
      label='Fitted second-order polynomial')
    plt.plot(self.x_plot, self.y3_plot, color='blue',
      label='Fitted third-order polynomial')

    plt.title('Polynomial Curve Fitting')


Python: Vim: Draw Plot


After finishing all the process:

  def process(self) -> None:
    self.mCoeff_1st = self.calc_coeff(1)
    self.mCoeff_2nd = self.calc_coeff(2)
    self.mCoeff_3rd = self.calc_coeff(3)


With data series above we can get all curve fitting as below:

Python: Matplotlib Result: Linear Polyfit

You can obtain the interactive JupyterLab in this following link:

What’s the Next Exciting Step 🤔?

After built-in formula and method, we can start the discussion by solving simple equations. A system of linear equation, followed by system of quadratic and cubic equation.

Consider continuing your exploration in the next section: [ Trend - Polynomial Interpolation ].