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Goal: Writing custom dataframe to custom sheet, with the case of pivot

Transitioning from a simple dataframe to a custom sheet introduces us to a practical scenario of handling pivot data. While this task may not be inherently complex, it encapsulates various permutations that one may encounter in day-to-day data processing.

The challenges in real-life scenarios often involve diverse custom dataframes, leading to the need for tailored sheets. The objective here is not merely creating a pivot table, but empowering individuals to tackle their specific challenges. Rather than being spectators, the aim is to engage readers in problem-solving within their unique contexts.

Let’s embark on this journey.

Pivot Sheet: Main Script

We are embarking on the creation of two sheets:

  • Table Sheet
  • Pivot Sheet

With the initial sheet, Table Sheet, already in place, our focus now shifts to the pivot sheet. Our goal is to write each cell, along with its respective decorations.


The envisioned worksheet is straightforward, avoiding excessive embellishments but ensuring practicality for repetitive tasks.

Pivot: Result Preview

The simpler the better. But not too plain.

Aim for simplicity, yet not devoid of character.

Class Diagram

For a holistic understanding of the entire structure, the class diagram is illustrated below:

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Class Diagram

Presenting the main script in a class format provides a clear visualization of the overall structure.

Local Libraries

Just PivotWriter.

Among the four local libraries, we already have mature classes for the first three. Our primary concern lies in the PivotWriter. class.

# openPyXL
from openpyxl import Workbook

# Local Library
from lib.TableSample import TableSample
from lib.PivotSample import PivotSample
from lib.TableWriter import TableWriter
from lib.PivotWriter import PivotWriter

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Libraries

Directory Structure

Reflecting the directory structure adds clarity:

├── 16-pivot.py
└── lib
    ├── TableSample.py
    ├── PivotSample.py
    ├── BaseWriter.py
    ├── TableWriter.py
    └── PivotWriter.py

Main Method

The initial segment involves custom variables, and categories for class initialization.

def main() -> None:
  file_source = 'sample-data.csv'
  file_target = 'Example.xlsx'

  categories = [
    "Apple", "Banana", "Dragon Fruit",
    "Durian", "Grape", "Mango",
    "Orange", "Strawberry"]

The subsequent step entails preparing the dataframe, where df_table serves as the foundation for creating df_pivot.

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Main: Variable

def main() -> None:

  table_sample = TableSample(file_source)
  df_table = table_sample.get_df_table()

  pivot_sample = PivotSample(df_table, categories)
  df_pivot = pivot_sample.get_df_pivot()

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Main: Dataframe

In the final part, df_table contributes to crafting the Table sheet, while df_pivot plays a role in forming the Pivot sheet.

  wb = Workbook()
  ws = wb.active
  ws.title = 'Table'

  table_writer = TableWriter(df_table, ws)

  # Create a new sheet
  ws = wb.create_sheet(title='Pivot')
  wb.active = ws

  pivot_writer = PivotWriter(
    df_pivot, ws, categories, 'B2')

  # Save the file

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Main: Sheet Writer

Concluding the process, we save the resulting workbook as Example.xlsx. The sequence of code neatly outlines the flow of this particular case.

Pivot Sheet: Table Writer Class


Introducing a few additional libraries, ranging from optional List types for passing categories, to some openPyXL utilities.

from typing import List
from pandas import DataFrame
from datetime import datetime

# openPyXL
from openpyxl.worksheet.worksheet import Worksheet
from openpyxl.styles import (Color,
  PatternFill, Font, Border, Side, Alignment)

from openpyxl.utils import (
  get_column_letter, column_index_from_string)
from openpyxl.utils.cell import coordinate_from_string

# Local Library
from lib.BaseWriter import BaseWriter

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Import

Class Skeleton

A long class

Presenting another descendant class, the class structure may seem extensive at first glance, but the underlying process is remarkably clear.

class PivotWriter(BaseWriter):
  def __init__(self,
      pivot_table: DataFrame,
      sheet: Worksheet,
      categories: List[str],
      start_cell: str) -> None:

  def init_start_cell(self, start_cell: str) -> None:

  def write_column_headers(self) -> None:

  def write_row_header(self,
      row_index: int, date: int) -> None:

  def write_row_content(self,
      row_index: int, row) -> None:

  def write_row_total(self,
      row_index: int, row) -> None:

  def write_column_total_header(self):

  def write_column_total_content(self):

  def write_column_total_grand(self):

  def write_rows(self) -> None:

  def write_column_total(self) -> None:

  def process(self) -> None:

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Class Skeleton

This time, we take into account the significance of init_start_cell, offering flexibility to position the table wherever needed.


The initialization phase, begins by capturing the initial parameters, and subsequently processing the initial start cell.

class PivotWriter(BaseWriter):
  def __init__(self,
      pivot_table: DataFrame,
      sheet: Worksheet,
      categories: List[str],
      start_cell: str) -> None:

    # save initial parameter
    self.pivot_table = pivot_table
    self.sheet = sheet
    self.categories = categories

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Initialization: Parameter

Within this initialization section, we address the challenge posed by the total dataframe. Given that iterrows iterates over all rows, the last row, representing totals, requires special consideration.

To resolve this, we split the total row, and place it at the bottom of the dataframe. The split is executed using the code below:

    # Get the 'Total' row as a separate variable
    self.total_row = self.pivot_table.loc['Total']

    # Exclude the 'Total' row from the DataFrame
    self.pivot_table = self.pivot_table.drop('Total')

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Initialization: Dataframe Issue


This serves as the core method of the class.

  def process(self) -> None:


Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Process

The flow is straightforward:

  • First Row: Comprising a single header row
  • Data Rows: Encompassing multiple data rows
  • Last Row: Constituting a single total row

Writing Rows

The rows themselves consist of numerous columns:

  def write_rows(self) -> None:
    # Fill the rows
    row_index = 0
    for date, row in self.pivot_table.iterrows():
      row_index += 1
      self.write_row_header (row_index, date)
      self.write_row_content(row_index, row)
      self.write_row_total  (row_index, row)

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Writing Rows

The process flow remains lucid:

  • First Column: Featuring a single date index column

  • Data Columns: Incorporating multiple data columns for each category

  • Last Column: Comprising a single total column

Total Column

The total rows also include three types of columns.

  def write_column_total(self) -> None:

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Total Column

  • First Column: A cell housing the Total label

  • Data Columns: Consisting of multiple cells for the total of each category

  • Last Column: Hosting a solitary grand total cell

Starting Cell Location

Designing the table to be flexible is prudent, for instance it can initiate from A1 cell, or alternatively, begin from B2 cell if necessary.

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Start Cell

The code is a simple definition of the first row and first column as follows:

  def init_start_cell(self, start_cell: str) -> None:
    # Split the cell address into column and row parts
    column_letter, row_number = \

    # Convert the column letter to column index
    self.col1 = column_index_from_string(column_letter)

    # Convert the row number to row index
    self.row1 = int(row_number)

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Starting Cell Location

Pivot Sheet: Header

Preview Result

This is the envisioned outcome.

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Header: Preview Result

Within the header method, various aspects are addressed:

  • Header Name List
  • Enumerating List
  • Decorating Cell Header
  • Column Width
  • Freeze Point

Allright now, I’ll provide an individual breakdown for each element.

Header Name List

The sequence of the header columns is as follows:

  • First Column: Labeled as Date and serves as the index

  • Data Columns: Comprising multiple cells, each named after a category

  • Last Column: Labeled as Total

  def write_column_headers(self) -> None:
    # Get the list of header values
    lookup_cats = ['Date'] + self.categories + ['Total']

    # column width shortcut
    wscd = self.sheet.column_dimensions

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Header: Category

Enumerate List

Here where we apply the start cell for header cell positioning.

  def write_column_headers(self) -> None:

    # Fill the cells horizontally
    for col, cat in enumerate(lookup_cats, start=0):

      # calculate position, respect start cell
      col_pos = self.col1 + col
      row_pos = self.row1

      cell = self.sheet.cell(row_pos, col_pos)
      cell.value = cat

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Header: Enumerate

Decorate Cell Header

Each cell requires suitable decoration. I’ve opted to distinguish each cell visually, by altering the fill color of odd and even cell.

    # Fill the cells horizontally
    for col, cat in enumerate(lookup_cats, start=0):

      cell.font = self.headerFont
      cell.alignment = self.centerText
      cell.border = self.bottom_border

      if col_pos % 2:
        cell.fill  = self.blueFills[1]
        cell.fill  = self.blueFills[0]

      # take care of column width by 2.5
      letter = get_column_letter(col_pos)
      wscd[letter].width = 5.1 * 2.5

Additionally, I’ve set a specific column width, for each header cell, utilizing a factor of 2.5.

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Header: Decoration

Column Gap Width

I would like to have small gap, on the left and on the right of the cell. So I can have a padding when copy paste the cell as image to whatsapp.

I’ve incorporated a slight gap, on both the left and right sides of the cell. This subtle padding proves beneficial, when copying and pasting the cell, as an image to platforms like WhatsApp.

    # left and right padding
    if self.col1 > 1:
      letter = get_column_letter(self.col1 - 1)
      wscd[letter].width = 5.1 * 0.5

    letter = get_column_letter(
      self.col1 + len(lookup_cats))
    wscd[letter].width = 5.1 * 0.5

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Header: Column Gap Width

Freeze Point

To enhance user experience, a freeze panes feature has been introduced, with an offset of (1 col, 1 row) relative to the table.

    # Set the freeze point to Offset (1,1)
    column_index  = self.col1 + 1
    row_index     = self.row1 + 1
    column_letter = get_column_letter(column_index)
    self.sheet.freeze_panes = \

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Header: Freeze Point

The resulting image above provides, a clear representation of the executed design.

Pivot Sheet: Rows

Preview Result

This represents the desired outcome.

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Rows: Preview Result

Writing Rows: Skeleton

The framework for the rows writer follows this structure:

  • First Column: Single date index column

  • Data Columns: Multiple data cells for each category

  • Last Column: Single total column

  def write_rows(self) -> None:
    # Fill the rows
    row_index = 0
    for date, row in self.pivot_table.iterrows():
      row_index += 1
      self.write_row_header (row_index, date)
      self.write_row_content(row_index, row)
      self.write_row_total  (row_index, row)

It’s essential to note that we have the date serving as the header index value, with row category information stored in the row.

Writing Rows: Left Header

Initiating the process involves determining the cell position.

  def write_row_header(self,
      row_index: int, date: int) -> None:

    # calculate position, respect start cell
    col_pos = self.col1
    row_pos = self.row1 + row_index

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Row: Header

Following this, assigning the cell value, and ensuring the appropriate number format is applied.

    cell = self.sheet.cell(row_pos, col_pos)
    cell.value = date
    cell.number_format = 'DD-MMM-YY;@'

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Row: Header

Finally, incorporating the desired decorations.

    cell.font      = self.normalFont
    cell.alignment = self.centerText
    cell.border    = self.right_border
    cell.fill      = self.blueFills[0]

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Row: Header

Writing Rows: Count Content

Access dataframe using: row[(‘Number’, cat)]

This phase also commences with cell positioning, specifying the row and column locations in the forthcoming loop.

  def write_row_content(self,
      row_index: int, row) -> None:

    # calculate position, respect start cell 
    row_pos = self.row1 + row_index

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Row: Content

The count for each cell, can be accessed using row[('Number', cat)], employing the walrus := operator.

In cases where the count value is zero, we may choose not to store a value in the cell.

    for col, cat in enumerate(self.categories, start=1):
      if count := int(row[('Number', cat)]):
        col_pos = self.col1 + col
        cell = self.sheet.cell(row_pos, col_pos)

        cell.value = count
        cell.alignment = self.centerText

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Row: Header

Writing Rows: Right Total

Access dataframe using: row[('Total Date')]

As customary, we initiate the process, by establishing the cell position.

  def write_row_total(self,
      row_index: int, row) -> None:

    # calculate position, respect start cell 
    len_col = len(self.categories)
    row_pos = self.row1 + row_index
    col_pos = self.col1 + len_col + 1

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Row: Total

The right total value for a given date, is accessible through row['Total Date'].

    cell = self.sheet.cell(row_pos, col_pos)
    cell.value     = int(row['Total Date'])

    cell.alignment = self.centerText
    cell.border    = self.left_border
    cell.fill      = self.blueFills[0]

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Row: Total

With this, we conclude the execution of several rows.

Pivot Sheet: Total

Preview Result

This exemplifies the intended outcome.

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Total: Preview Result

Total Column: Skeleton

The structure of the total column writer follows this sequence:

  • First Column: A cell containing the Total label

  • Data Columns: Multiple cells representing totals for each category

  • Last Column: A single grand total cell

  def write_column_total(self) -> None:

Writing Total Column Total: Header

The Total label.

Remaining consistent with the cell’s starting address, we calculate the index for its location.

  def write_column_total_header(self):
    # calculate position, respect start cell
    len_row = len(self.pivot_table)
    col_pos = self.col1
    row_pos = self.row1 + len_row + 1

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Total: Header

There is nothing special here. just the Total label.

    cell = self.sheet.cell(row_pos, col_pos)
    cell.value = 'Total'

    cell.font   = self.headerFont
    cell.border = self.top_border
    cell.fill   = self.blueFills[1]

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Total: Header

Writing Total Column Totals: Content

Access dataframe using: row[(‘Number’, cat)]

Respecting the cell’s starting address, we calculate the row’s position index.

  def write_column_total_content(self):
    # calculate position, respect start cell
    len_row = len(self.pivot_table)
    row_pos = self.row1 + len_row + 1

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Total: Content

Iterating until the end of the row with enumeration, the value for each bottom total can be obtained through row[('Number', cat)].

Even if the count value is zero, the total can still be displayed as zero, in the respective bottom cell.

    len_row = len(self.pivot_table)
    for col, cat in enumerate(self.categories, start=1):
      col_pos = self.col1 + col
      cell = self.sheet.cell(row_pos, col_pos)
      cell.value = int(self.total_row[('Number', cat)])

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Total: Content

Additionally, we need to implement decorations, to distinguish the appearance of the bottom total.

      cell.font = self.headerFont
      cell.alignment = self.centerText
      cell.border = self.top_border
      cell.fill  = self.blueFills[0]

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Total: Content

Writing Total Column Total: Grand Total

Access dataframe using: row[('Total Date')]

The cell’s address index is straightforwardly derived, from the starting point plus its length.

  def write_column_total_grand(self):
    # calculate position, respect start cell
    len_col = len(self.categories)
    len_row = len(self.pivot_table)
    col_pos = self.col1 + len_col + 1
    row_pos = self.row1 + len_row + 1

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Total: Grand

Once again, we apply decorations.

    cell = self.sheet.cell(row_pos, col_pos)
    cell.value = int(self.total_row['Total Date'])

    cell.font      = self.headerFont
    cell.alignment = self.centerText
    cell.border    = self.top_border
    cell.fill      = self.blueFills[1]

Pivot: openPyXL: Pivot Writer: Total: Grand

Activity Diagram

Providing a summary, the entire process is presented in this chronological order.

Pivot: Dataframe: Total: Activity Diagram

The SVG source can be accessed here, allowing you to customize it according to your preferences.

Total Result

The ultimate result is showcased in the following screenshot:

Pivot: Result Preview

What’s on the Horizon 🤔?

Real-life scenarios often present diverse challenges. While as a digital native you might anticipate receiving a tidy CSV as your data source, clients or stakeholders may prefer providing information in the form of a spreadsheet.

In such instances, having a dataframe capable of reading from a table sheet and subsequently generating the pivot sheet within the same workbook becomes essential.

Feel free to delve deeper into this process by continuing your exploration [ Pivot - openPyXL - Table Reader ].