Where to Discuss?

Local Group


Goal: Create a Model View Class. Ensure categories.

As usual, it’s beneficial to restructure the class using the model-view pattern for further use.

Model View: Main Script

It is a good idea, to separate the data model and the output display. Because we can have one model, but multiple views. In this case we can have one pivot table, and then we can choose to display data representation in terminal console, or export it to XLSX file using openPyXl, or render the cell one by one using LibreOffice Macro.

Class Diagram

Visualization aids in learning, especially when provided upfront. For clarity, I haven’t strictly adhered to the standard UML diagram.

Pivot: Dataframe: Model View: Class Diagram

The class diagram above was created using the multiple pages feature in Inkscape. The source can be obtained here for your customization.

On the browser, only the first image is shown. You can use Inkscape to explore more pages.

Directory Structure

We are also going to organize the class into its own lib directory.

├── 12-model-view.py
└── lib
    ├── PivotSample12.py
    └── TableSample.py

Since the TableSample is simple enough to be matured. We will remove the numbering, and use this class throughout the tutorial.

Program Entry Point

The main script is as below:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import pandas as pd

# Local Library
from lib.TableSample import TableSample
from lib.PivotSample12 import PivotSample

def main() -> None:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Pivot: Dataframe: Model View: Main


Besides total, we should also ensure, that the data matches the predefined category.

  categories = [
    "Apple", "Banana", "Dragon Fruit",
    "Durian", "Grape", "Mango",
    "Orange", "Strawberry"]

Main Method

Now we can put the categories in the main method.

def main() -> None:
  source_csv = 'sample-data.csv'
  categories = [
    "Apple", "Banana", "Dragon Fruit",
    "Durian", "Grape", "Mango",
    "Orange", "Strawberry"]

  pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 10)

  table_sample = TableSample(source_csv)

  pivot_sample = PivotSample(
    table_sample.get_df_table(), categories)

Pivot: Dataframe: Model View: Main

This way, I can comment unnecessary display, without even touching the class code.

There is also a slight change. I use table_sample.get_df_table() method, as a feed to the pivot class instance. This is a method instead of just property in previous code.

You can also set max_rows, to limit the number of displayed rows.

pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 10)

Model View: Table Sample Class

Regardless of the class’s length, organization is essential. The process and the output remain identical to the previous article, with the only change being the class structure.

Class Skeleton

The class skeleton is as follows:

import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame

class TableSample:
  def __init__(self,
      df_table: DataFrame,
      categories: List[str]) -> None:

  def load_data(self):

  def get_df_table(self) -> DataFrame:
    return self.df_table

  def process(self) -> None:

  def display(self) -> None:

Pivot: Dataframe: Model View: TableSample: Class

Load Data

Nothing special. Just tidied up some code

  def load_data(self):
      # Load data into a DataFrame
      self.df_table = pd.read_csv(self.filename)

    except FileNotFoundError:
      print("Error: The file "\
         + f"'{self.filename}' was not found.")
    except Exception as e:
      print("An error occurred "
         + f"while loading data: {e}")

Pivot: Dataframe: Model View: TableSample: Load Data


Nothing special here either, just separating the view-related code.

  def display(self) -> None:
    # Display the header
    print("Header:", self.df_table.columns)

    # Display the data

Pivot: Dataframe: Model View: TableSample: Display

Terminal Result

The same as in the previous iteration.

Model View: Pivot Sample Class

This class needs to be prepared for further use.


This is the library required by this class:

import pandas as pd

from datetime import datetime
from typing import List
from pandas import DataFrame

Pivot: Dataframe: Ensure: PivotSample: Import Library

Class Skeleton

The PivotSample class is quite simlar, except that I added build_pivot() and display() methods.

class PivotSample:
  def __init__(self,
      df_table: DataFrame,
      categories: List[str]) -> None:

  def build_pivot(self) -> None:

  def access_headers_and_column(self):

  def get_df_pivot(self) -> DataFrame:
    return self.df_pivot

  def process(self) -> None:

  def display(self) -> None:
    # Display the pivot table
    print("Pivot Table:")

Pivot: Dataframe: Model View: PivotSample: Class Skeleton


The __init__ now accept categories argument. We need to save initial parameters.

  def __init__(self,
      df_table: DataFrame,
      categories: List[str]) -> None:

    self.df_table = df_table
    self.categories = categories

Pivot: Dataframe: Model View: PivotSample: Class Initialization

Build Pivot

Besides separating model-related code. I also appended additional lines.

  1. Ensure Categories
  2. Sorting Columns
  def build_pivot(self) -> None:
      # Perform pivot operations
      df_pivot = self.df_table.pivot_table(
        index='Date', columns='Fruit',
        aggfunc='count', fill_value=0)

      # Sort the index by both month and day
      df_pivot.index = df_pivot. \
        index.to_series().apply(lambda x:
          datetime.strptime(x, "%d/%m/%Y").date())
      df_pivot = df_pivot.sort_index()

      # Ensure all specified columns are present
      for cat in self.categories:
        if ('Number', cat) not in df_pivot.columns:
          df_pivot[('Number', cat)] = 0

      # Sort the columns (fruits) in alphabetical order
      self.df_pivot = df_pivot.sort_index(axis=1)

    except Exception as e:
      print("An error occurred " \
        + f"while processing data: {e}")

Pivot: Dataframe: Model View: TableSample: Building Pivot

Ensure in Build

I appended this line as a process chain in building pivot process, to ensure all specified columns are present

      for cat in self.categories:
        if ('Number', cat) not in df_pivot.columns:
          df_pivot[('Number', cat)] = 0

The Multi Index here consists of two levels:

  • the first level is ‘Number,’ and
  • the second level is the category name (cat).

If a category column doesn’t exist, as determined in the previous if statement, this code below will initializes all its values to 0.

df_pivot[('Number', cat)] = 0: 

This line of code creates a new column with the name (Number, cat).

Accessing Data

I can imagine how difficult it is, to understand the code above for the first time. So I provided an example method to access data using index.

  def access_headers_and_column(self):
    # Access and print column headers (keys)
    column_headers = self.df_pivot.columns
    print("Column Headers:", column_headers)

    # Access and print a specific column,
    # for example, "Orange"
    orange_column = self.df_pivot[('Number', 'Orange')]
    print("Orange Column:")

Pivot: Dataframe: Ensure: PivotSample: Accessing Data

The result of the orange_column can be shown as below:

❯ ./13-pivot.py
Orange Column:
2017-02-19      3
2017-02-20      2
2017-02-21      2
2017-02-22      4
2017-02-23      6
2017-02-24      5
2017-02-25      1
2017-02-26      3
2017-02-27      4
2017-02-28      3
2017-03-01      3
2017-03-02      2
2017-03-03      5
2017-03-04      0
2017-03-05      4
2017-03-06      3
2017-03-07      3

You can experiment with your own index address.

Pivot: Dataframe: Ensure: PivotSample: Accessing Result

Display Pivot

Nothing special here. Just separating view-related code.

  def display(self) -> None:
    # Display the pivot table
    print("Pivot Table:")

Pivot: Dataframe: Model View: TableSample: Display

Terminal Result

The same as before.

We can run the script and obtain the result similar to below:

❯ ./12-model-view.py
Header: Index(['Number', 'Date', 'Fruit'], dtype='object')
     Number        Date       Fruit
0         1  19/02/2017      Orange
1         2  19/02/2017       Grape
2         3  19/02/2017  Strawberry
3         4  19/02/2017      Orange
4         5  19/02/2017       Apple
..      ...         ...         ...
750     751  05/04/2017  Strawberry
751     752  05/04/2017  Strawberry
752     753  05/04/2017       Mango
753     754  05/04/2017  Strawberry
754     755  05/04/2017      Banana
[755 rows x 3 columns]
Pivot Table:
           Number         ...            Category
Fruit       Apple Banana  ... Strawberry    Total
2017-02-19      1      3  ...          4       15
2017-02-20      0      4  ...          2       10
2017-02-21      2      1  ...          3       16
2017-02-22      4      1  ...          5       16
2017-02-23      1      4  ...          3       22
...           ...    ...  ...        ...      ...
2017-04-02      1      1  ...          1       17
2017-04-03      4      0  ...          5       18
2017-04-04      0      2  ...          3       11
2017-04-05      3      1  ...          4       13
Total         114    125  ...        126      755

[47 rows x 9 columns]

Pivot: Dataframe: Model View: TableSample: Result

Why did I prepare that PivotSample class above? Because I will add complexity to code below, by adding a few methods.

Where Do We Go From Here 🤔?

Our journey doesn’t end here. We still have to add the total row and total column.

Consider continuing to read [ Pivot - Model - Total Dataframe ].