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Goal: Copy A Range of Cell Along with All Properties.

This article is the first part of two articles.

Proper document handling is required, when your quiet messy company, suddenly audited by public accountant.

The script shall be able to convert long landscape table into portrait wide paper.

Although the view below using LibreOffice, the example is excel files. You can open the spreadsheet using Excel.

1: The Challenge

Tidying? Don’t you have better thing to do?

Have you ever on your job met a spreadsheet with a so many table header, sooo long, that you can’t even print without additional paper?

For example this sheet below:

Worksheet: Sheet: Very Long Table Looks

And when you print the table:

Worksheet: Photo: Very Long

Actually you can translate the table looks, into form view as below, with just simple translation script.

Worksheet: Sheet: Compact Form View

The real life printed result can be seen as below:

Worksheet: Photo: Compact

It is easy, when all you have is just those two row of data as above. But how about thousands of data? You can create yourself a script. Execute, and voila, those thousand rows is already exported, into the form.

cuman orang gabut yang sempet ngerapi-rapi-in

Designing Template

Our challenge is field translation. Before we ever need to translate, we need to create a template.

All I do is just put source table, and form view, side by side. And manually moved the field one by one.

Worksheet: Source to Target Translation

This task is not as easy as I was thinking. I need to create a few design, and designing form takes cycle.

  • The first one are scrapped directly.
  • The second one evolved into the third
  • I choose the third one
  • In implementation, I suddenly make the fourth based on the third one.
  • I finally make final changes, for different language. The fifth form design.

Fields in Detail

Dual Language

Since I my original tutorial based on goverment tax field in Indonesia, I have to create the english version, so you understand, what the meaning of each example.

Consider have a look at all fields in detail. I provide two language for each: English and Indonesia.

  • Fields: Screenshot One

Worksheet: Source: Page One

  • Fields: Screenshot Two

Worksheet: Source: Page Two

  • Fields: Screenshot Three

Worksheet: Source: Page Three

Excuse my english, also apologize for my lack knowledge of tax terminology.

Copying Issue

Have you ever have a difficulties to copy cells range programatically?

Copying cells using openpyxl require copying of these three attributes:

  1. Basic Attribute: Value, Style, and Number Format
  2. Row Height
  3. Merge Cells

2: Using OpenPyXL

Example Data

I have provided example sheets, with complete form, along with each properties. Such as different number format and so on.

You can download the source here

Along with the result also

Each sheet, I provide two languages. You should choose only one over another.

  • Source Sheet: English

openpyxl: Source: English

  • Source Sheet: Indonesia

openpyxl: Source: Indonesian



I always have this fear when I start something new, so I push myself to start code as small as possible, then suddenly my fear vanished.

Go straight to the code. Start from simple. Just open file and save.

There is only consist one short file required.

openpyxl: vim: copy plain

import openpyxl
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from copy import copy

# Main: Program Entry Point
wb = load_workbook("source-en.xlsx")
ws = wb["Example"]

# Save the file

There is nothing to be shown here. Just make sure, the openpyxl saved, into an new file target-en.xlsx.

3: Procedural Code

I have made a procedural code, as my starting point. It works but it is considered barbaric.

But we won’t use this, because I want to use class based.

openpyxl: vim: copy plain

from copy import copy

import openpyxl
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from openpyxl.utils import rows_from_range
from openpyxl.utils.cell import coordinate_from_string
from openpyxl.worksheet.cell_range import CellRange

def copy_range(coord_copied, sheet, offset_down):
  # row height related
  wsrd = sheet.row_dimensions

  for row in rows_from_range(coord_copied):
    # value, style and number format
    for cell in row:
      coord  = coordinate_from_string(cell)
      offset = coord[0] + str(coord[1] + offset_down)

      source = sheet[cell]
      target = sheet[offset]

      target.value = source.value
      target.number_format = source.number_format
      if source.has_style:
         target._style = copy(source._style)

    # row height
    first  = row[0]
    coord  = coordinate_from_string(first)
    source = wsrd[coord[1]]
    target = wsrd[coord[1] + offset_down]
    target.height = source.height

  # merged range
  range_copied = CellRange(coord_copied)
  for merged_cell in sheet.merged_cells:
    coord_source = merged_cell.coord
    if coord_source in range_copied:
       cell_range = CellRange(coord_source)
       cell_range.shift(row_shift = offset_down)
       coord_target = cell_range.coord

# Main: Program Entry Point

wb = load_workbook("source-en.xlsx")
ws = wb["Example"]

copy_range ('B4:K13', ws, 10)

# Save the file

Just one function, no class. Bad practice. But good for starting point.

openpyxl: vim: copy plain

Now let’s start all over again. Refactoring.

4: Simple Copy Class

A class, just copy the range.


All definition shown here:

import ...

class CopyRange:
  def __init__(self, sheet, coord_copied):
  def copy_cells(self, offset_down):

def main():


So simple, that this class only have one method, the copy_cells.


We need a few import statement.

openpyxl: vim: Import and Init

import re
import openpyxl
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.styles import (Color,
  PatternFill, Font, Border, Alignment)
from openpyxl.utils.cell import get_column_letter

Class Initialization

We can start all in initialization.

class CopyRange:
  def __init__(self, sheet, coord_copied):
    # save initial parameter
    self.sheet = sheet
    self.coord_copied = coord_copied

Copy Cells Method

The real horse work here.

It is self explanatory. Get the coordinate, then copy all properties.

  • value,
  • style and,
  • number format

openpyxl: vim: Copy Range Method

  def copy_cells(self, offset_down):
    from copy import copy

    for row in rows_from_range(self.coord_copied):
      for cell in row:
        coord  = coordinate_from_string(cell)
        offset = coord[0] + str(coord[1] + offset_down)

        source = self.sheet[cell]
        target = self.sheet[offset]

        target.value = source.value
        target.number_format = source.number_format
        if source.has_style:
           target._style = copy(source._style)

Form Offset

What is it, this strange offset_down anyway? This is the height of the form.

For example this form, this has 10 stacked rows including header. If the reference start from B4 cell address, then the first copy should be B14, the second should be B24, and so on.

We will automate by making loop later, but for starter let’s do this manually, by calling the method.


And so on.


Program Entry Point

Yes, the I usually named the function as main. Although you can name it anything you want.

openpyxl: vim: Copy Range Method

def main():
  file_source = "source-en.xlsx"
  file_target = "target-en.xlsx"

  wb = load_workbook(file_source)
  ws = wb["Example"]

  cr = CopyRange(ws,'B4:K13')

  # Save the file


Notice that I set offset_down parameter to ten. This is the height of the form, as we have already explained above.


The result are terrible, as shown in figure below:

openpyxl: Target Result: English

The figure is based on the english source.

What’s Wrong?

Missing Something?

We need to also set merge cell, and also copy the row height properties.

5: Complete Copy Class

A class, with complete copying, including height and merge.


All definition shown here:

import ...

class CopyRange:
  def __init__(self, sheet, coord_copied):
  def copy_cells(self):
  def set_row_height(self):
  def set_merged_range(self):
  def run(self, offset_down):

def main():


It is self explanatory.


Import statement as usual:

openpyxl: vim: Import

import openpyxl
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from openpyxl.utils import rows_from_range
from openpyxl.utils.cell import coordinate_from_string
from openpyxl.worksheet.cell_range import CellRange


Import statement as usual:

openpyxl: vim: Init

class CopyRange:
  def __init__(self, sheet, coord_copied):
    # save initial parameter
    self.sheet = sheet
    self.coord_copied = coord_copied


Consider jump to the end before dive to detail.

The main function can be defined as this below:

openpyxl: vim: Main

def main():
  file_source = "source-en.xlsx"
  file_target = "target-en.xlsx"

  wb = load_workbook(file_source)
  ws = wb["Example"]

  cr = CopyRange(ws,'B4:K13')

  ws.print_area = "A1:L34"

  # Save the file


Run: Execute

The run method is just gathering of copying function.

openpyxl: vim: Run

  def run(self, offset_down):
    self.offset_down = offset_down

Now we should be ready to see each of these three functions.

Copy Cells

This is almost the same as our previous example.

openpyxl: vim: Copy Cells Attribute

  # value, style and number format
  def copy_cells(self):
    from copy import copy

    for row in rows_from_range(self.coord_copied):
      for cell in row:
        coord  = coordinate_from_string(cell)
        offset = coord[0] + str(coord[1] + self.offset_down)

        source = self.sheet[cell]
        target = self.sheet[offset]

        target.value = source.value
        target.number_format = source.number_format
        if source.has_style:
           target._style = copy(source._style)

The same as previous code. Not really verbatim copy. Because I move the offset_down, into class property, instead of parameter argument.

Setting Row height

Instead of cells, we work with rows. To be exact, the responsible object is row_dimensions.

openpyxl: vim: Row Height

  # row height related
  def set_row_height(self):
    wsrd = self.sheet.row_dimensions
    for row in rows_from_range(self.coord_copied):
      first  = row[0]
      coord  = coordinate_from_string(first)
      source = wsrd[coord[1]]
      target = wsrd[coord[1] + self.offset_down]
      target.height = source.height

And yeah, we also require the offset_down reference.

Setting Merged Range

This is the code I learned from stackoveflow somewhere a long time ago. I’m not sure how many changes I have alter, from the original code.

The property responsible for this is merged_cells. And the method is merge_cells.

openpyxl: vim: Merged Range

  # merged range related
  def set_merged_range(self):
    range_copied = CellRange(self.coord_copied)
    for merged_cell in self.sheet.merged_cells:
      coord_source = merged_cell.coord
      if coord_source in range_copied:
         cell_range = CellRange(coord_source)
         cell_range.shift(row_shift = self.offset_down)
         coord_target = cell_range.coord

First to do is to iterate all merged cells. If it is within the copied range, then process.

For each merged cell processed, we have to switch form cell coordinate to range. Shift the row range by the offset_down number. And finally merge the cell in new form.


The result are verbatim copy, as shown in figure below:

openpyxl: Target Result: English

The first copy is using offset_down = 10, and the next copy is using offset_down = 20. While the original source remain intact.

  cr = CopyRange(ws,'B4:K13')

We are done copying cell here.

What is Next 🤔?

After copying range of cells, now is a good time to continue to fields translation.

Consider continue reading [ Python - Excel - Translate Field ].