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Goal: Add common feature such as configuration, terminal interface, and web server

This is a multiparts article.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we can have colorful logging in a panel? The main idea here is using StringIO instead of easy top use Rich Handler.

Python: StringIO: The Dark Log

We also need to put everything in rich panel, so that we don’t need to load each script manually.

18: Handling Log With Rich

Python Source Code

For convenience, I share the script.


As usual, we need to prepare AIOHTTP, aong with Jinja2.

import logging, sys
import jinja2, aiohttp_jinja2

from aiohttp import web
from rich.logging import RichHandler

class HomeHandler(web.View):

  async def get(self):
    return {}

Python: Handling Log With Rich: Brief Summary

Note that we have import RichHandler in above statement.

Rich Handler

The main idea is to use RichHandler(). As in official documentation we can do this:

  FORMAT = "%(message)s"
    level=logging.DEBUG, format=FORMAT,
    datefmt="[%X]", handlers=[RichHandler()])

Python: Handling Log With Rich: Rich Handler

Main Program

And the rest is the same as previous.

def main():
  FORMAT = "%(message)s"
    level=logging.DEBUG, format=FORMAT,
    datefmt="[%X]", handlers=[RichHandler()])

  app = web.Application()

  # setup jinja2 

  app.router.add_get('/', HomeHandler, name="index")
  app.router.add_static('/', '../site')



Running The Script

Consider running the script:

❯ python 27-log2rich.py
[08:18:01] DEBUG    Using selector:             selector_events.py:54
======== Running on ========
(Press CTRL+C to quit)
[08:18:40] INFO [24/Jan/2023:01:18:40    web_log.py:206
                    +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 7238                 
                    "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux                     
                    x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101                 
           INFO [24/Jan/2023:01:18:40    web_log.py:206
                    +0000] "GET /bulma.min.css                       
                    HTTP/1.1" 200 0                                  
                    "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64;                 
                    rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101                         

Python: Handling Log With Rich: Running Script

The issue with using RichHandler is, it is not flexible, that we cannot tweak things. The code become too long and complex. And it is also not responsive.

So we have to find other way, to make things simple.

19: Capture Logging with StringIO

Plain Without Rich using Delay

Nothing scary here, just a short script.

Python Source Code

Our script, ready to serve.

Package Requirement

As usual, we import stuff. Adding StringIO module.

import logging, asyncio
import jinja2, aiohttp_jinja2

from aiohttp import web
from io import StringIO

class HomeHandler(web.View):

  async def get(self):
    return {}

Python: StringIO: Brief Summary


Very light, all we have to do is, manage two task concurrently.

class HomeHandler(web.View):
  async def get(self):

class LayoutExample:
  def __init__(self):
  async def task_web(self):
  async def do_log(self):
  async def main(self):

Logging Stream

Do not forget to initialize.

class LayoutExample:
  def __init__(self):
    self.log_stream = StringIO()

Python: StringIO: Class Skeleton

We are going to add this self.log_stream , as logging stream later.

  async def task_web(self):

Task Web

The web.run_app(app) is blocking. Since we use asynchronous we have to go lower lever a bit:

    runner = web.AppRunner(app)
    await runner.setup()

    site = web.TCPSite(runner, '', 8080)
    await site.start()

The complete method is as below:

  async def task_web(self):
    app = web.Application()

    # setup jinja2 

      '/', HomeHandler, name="index")
    app.router.add_static('/', '../site')

    runner = web.AppRunner(app)
    await runner.setup()

    site = web.TCPSite(runner, '', 8080)
    await site.start()

Python: StringIO: Task Web

Task Log

Since we have already get our logging stream. Now we can just get the value anytime.

  async def do_log(self):
    while True:
      await asyncio.sleep(1)

Python: StringIO: Do Log

I felt like using delay every one second is a bad idea. I’d rather use event driven signal instead. but unfortunately this is something that I cannot afford. We are going to deal with this later.

Main Method

I forget why, but we do need to wrap task web in a task. I’ll figure it out later for reader later. I’m pretty busy right now.

  async def main(self):
    task_log = asyncio.create_task(


And finally we can run the script in main program.

example = LayoutExample()

Python: StringIO: Main Method

Running The Script

Consider running the script. This will show empty lines, until you open something in browser.

❯ python 27-log2io.py
INFO:aiohttp.access: [24/Jan/2023:01:20:33 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 7238 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0"
INFO:aiohttp.access: [24/Jan/2023:01:20:33 +0000] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 0 "http://localhost:8080/" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0"

Python: StringIO: Running Script

I know this is not an elegant way to log about something. That is why we have to continue into next section. This is going to be a little bit long, because we have to integrate with rich panel.

20: Manage Log in Rich Panel

Although the code looks long, half part of has already been discussed.

Python Source Code

Most of the time, having ready script is, better than not having one.


The skeleton is going to be long

class LayoutExample:
  MAXLINE = 40

  def __init__(self):
  def make_layout(self):
  def get_lines(self):
  def capture(self, message):
  def split(self, line):
  def get_panel(self) -> Panel:
  def get_layout(self) -> Layout:
  async def task_web(self):
  async def do_log(self):
  async def main(self):

Python: StringIO: Brief Summary

Nothing is complicated. Really.

Recquired Package

Import Rich

Just a bunch of rich package.

import logging, asyncio
import jinja2, aiohttp_jinja2

from aiohttp import web
from io import StringIO

from rich.console import Console
from rich.text    import Text
from rich.table   import Table
from rich.panel   import Panel
from rich.layout  import Layout
from rich.live    import Live

Python: StringIO: Recquired Package

Brief Summary

Consider this overview of the script

Python: StringIO: Brief Summary


We need to create maximum buffer. So our memory could be limited

class LayoutExample:
  MAXLINE = 40

And then we initialize some stuff.

class LayoutExample:
  MAXLINE = 40

  def __init__(self):
    self.console = Console()
    self.log_stream = StringIO()
    self.last_msg = None
    self.lines    = None


Python: StringIO: Constructor

Logging Task

We meet again with the do_log method. But this time it has a bunch of code.

  async def do_log(self):
    with self.live:
      while True:
        self.lines = self.get_lines()

        last_msg = self.lines[-1:]
        if last_msg != self.last_msg:
          self.last_msg = last_msg

        await asyncio.sleep(1)

Python: StringIO: Do Log

I felt like using delay every one second is a bad idea. I’d rather use event driven signal instead. but unfortunately this is something that I cannot afford.

So all I do is comparing the last message for every delay. If it changed, then we can update layout.

We can find the last lines of an array, by using this pythonic notation.

        last_msg = self.lines[-1:]

Getting The Lines for StringIO

Getting the lines is simply:

  def get_lines(self):
    log_str = self.log_stream.getvalue()
    lines   = log_str.splitlines()

Since want to limit the buffer, we have to calculate the buffer for each delay.

  def get_lines(self):
    log_str = self.log_stream.getvalue()
    lines   = log_str.splitlines()

    if len(lines) > self.MAXLINE:
      lines = lines[- self.MAXLINE:]

    return lines

We can just create new log stream, instead of erasing the content:

      self.log_stream = StringIO()  

Python: StringIO: Get Lines

Splitting Lines

Suppose that we have a log message like this one:

INFO:aiohttp.access: [23/Jan/2023:17:26:52 +0000]

We can separate the message into parts such as:

aiohttp.access [23/Jan/2023:17:26:52 +0000]

And discarded the second part

INFO [23/Jan/2023:17:26:52 +0000]

This can be done by using this method:

  def split(self, line):
    pos1 = line.find(':', 0)
    pos2 = line.find(':', pos1+1)
    col1 = line[:pos1]
    col2 = line[pos1+1:pos2]
    col3 = self.capture(line[pos2+1:])

    return [col1, col3]

Python: StringIO: Split Text

We use capture to make the text colorful.

Capture Rich Color

I found this ide from stackoverflow:

All we need to do is to print the text, and capture the output into string. And get it back as rich Text object.

  # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73512663/
  def capture(self, message):
    with self.console.capture() as capture:
    str_text = capture.get()
    str_text = Text.from_ansi(str_text)

    return str_text

Python: StringIO: Capture Rich Output

We are done with StringIO, now we can setup our panel.

Logging Task

Consider go back to our logging task.

  async def do_log(self):
    with self.live:
      while True:
        self.lines = self.get_lines()

        last_msg = self.lines[-1:]
        if last_msg != self.last_msg:
          self.last_msg = last_msg

        await asyncio.sleep(1)

The Live.update required us a layout. In that function, we can update the layout .

Make Layout


Just one layout:

  def make_layout(self):
    # Define the layout
    self.layout = Layout(name="root")

Python: StringIO: Make Layout

Getting Layout

This method just updating the panel. Propagating the update signal, from Live to Layout to Panel.

  def get_layout(self) -> Layout:
    return self.layout

Python: StringIO: Get Layout

Getting Panel

It is just translating lines in buffer into table in panel.

  def get_panel(self) -> Panel:
    table = Table.grid(padding=0, expand=True)
      min_width=8, overflow="fold", style="blue")
    for i, line in enumerate(self.lines[::-1]):

    panel = Panel(table,
      title="[b]Web [yellow]Logs")
    return panel

Python: StringIO: Get Panel

Actually this is the core idea.

Panel Limitation


Rich TUI Panel is not scrollable, so we can’t see the last messages, because it buried, oveflowed under the table.

The quick and dirty solution is to show in LIFO. Last log message will be shown at top most. We can do this by reverse the array with below code


Then use the array in the for loop.

    for i, line in enumerate(self.lines[::-1]):

Task Web

The Web Task is identical to previous example. It is verbatim copy. No changes intact.

  async def task_web(self):
    app = web.Application()

    # setup jinja2 

        '/', HomeHandler, name="index")
    app.router.add_static('/', '../site')

    runner = web.AppRunner(app)
    await runner.setup()

    site = web.TCPSite(runner, '', 8080)
    await site.start()

Python: StringIO: Task Web

Main Method

We can finally run this two coroutine task in concurrent fashioned.

  async def main(self):
    self.live = Live(None)

    task_log = asyncio.create_task(


And in main program

Python: StringIO: Main Method

Main Program

Execute: Program Entry Point

example = LayoutExample()

Python: StringIO: Execute

Running The Script

Python: StringIO: Bright Log

It is responsive, as you can see below:

Python: StringIO: Dark Log

What is Next 🤔?

We need to integrate all panel into just one script.

Consider continue reading [ Excel - Monitor - Multiple Task ].