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Goal: Housekeeping previous code

This is a multiparts article.

For simplicity reason I choose javascript without framework.

10: Javascript Class

Don’t be barbaric. Code properly.

We are not living in the cave. Modern Javascript handle class nicely.


Here we start the class with constructor, and so on.

class WS2Panel_c {
  constructor(ws_url) {...}

  // Update Element ID
  upElid(elementID, value) {...}

  // Update Element IDs
  upElements(els, struct) {...}

  // Loop Entry Point
  startWS() {
    const websocket = new WebSocket(this.ws_url)

    websocket.onopen = () => {...}
    websocket.onclose = () => {...}
    websocket.onmessage = (event) => {...}

So that later we can call class peacefuly.

  "DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
    ws_url = "ws://localhost:8765"

    let myPanel = new WS2Panel_c(ws_url)

Site: Javascript: Class: Brief


The constructor task, only initialize variable.

  constructor(ws_url) {
    this.ws_url = ws_url
    this.status = document.getElementById("c-status")

Updating Element

Then we can manage to update element, either atomic for each ID, or by group of dictionary data.

  // Update Element ID
  upElid(elementID, value) {
    // Set value at placeholder
    const el = document.getElementById(elementID)
    el.innerHTML= value

  // Update Element IDs
  upElements(els, struct) {
    // Map all row value into its placeholders
    this.upElid(els[0], struct.budget)
    this.upElid(els[1], struct.actual)
    this.upElid(els[2], struct.gap)

Site: Javascript: Class: Constructor

Websocket Event Handler

Managing Status

Websocket has these event:

  • on open
  • on close
  • on message
  • on error

Here we use onopen and onclose to manage websocket status on page.

  startWS() {
    const websocket = new WebSocket(this.ws_url)

    websocket.onopen = () => {
      this.status.innerHTML = "Opened"
      websocket.send("Hello There.");

    websocket.onclose = () => {
      this.status.innerHTML = "Closed"
      // Try to reconnect in 5 seconds
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, 5000)

    websocket.onmessage = (event) => {...}

Site: Javascript: Class: Open

Websocket onMessage Event Handler

And later map displayed ata in page, based on JSON files given in websocket response.

    websocket.onmessage = (event) => {
      const data = JSON.parse(event.data)

      this.upElid("c-timestamp", data.timestamp)

          "c-09-budget", "c-09-actual", "c-09-gap"
        ], data.month_09)

          "c-10-budget", "c-10-actual", "c-10-gap"
        ], data.month_10)

Site: Javascript: Class: Message

HTML Table

Finally we have to set the elements, as the placeholders of each values.

You can pick any user interface, to suit your taste. In this example I use table.

        <button class="button is-dark is-fullwidth has-text-left"
        <a class="button is-info is-fullwidth hvr-buzz"
           id="c-09-budget">C 09 Budget</a></td>
        <a class="button is-info is-fullwidth hvr-buzz"
           id="c-10-budget">C 10 Budget</a></td>

Site: HTML: Table

Preview in Web Browser

Right click your HTML file from your file manager using right click, and open it using any web browser.

Site: Web Browser Output

Second Example

The same applied to second sheet. We have to map, each cell to python, then map python to javascript, and finally javascript to HTML.

class WS2Panel_c {
  constructor(ws_url) {...}
  upElid(elementID, value) {...}
  upElements(els, struct) {...}
  startWS() {...}

So that later we can call class after DOM content loaded.

  "DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {...});

Site: Javascript: Class: Brief

The same as previous, except, using different element.

class WS2Panel_d {
  constructor(ws_url) {
    this.ws_url = ws_url
    this.status = document.getElementById("d-status")

  // Update Element ID
  upElid(elementID, value) {
    // Set value at placeholder
    const el = document.getElementById(elementID)
    el.innerHTML= value

Beware that we have different data structure here.

  // Update Element IDs
  upElements(els, struct) {
    // Map all row value into its placeholders
    this.upElid(els[0], struct.target)
    this.upElid(els[1], struct.actual)
    this.upElid(els[2], struct.miss)
    this.upElid(els[3], struct.remain)

Site: Javascript: Class: Constructor

Thus different data interpretation

    websocket.onmessage = (event) => {
      const data = JSON.parse(event.data)

      this.upElid("d-timestamp", data.timestamp)

          "d-09-target", "d-09-actual",
          "d-09-miss",   "d-09-remain"
        ], data.month_09)

          "d-10-target", "d-10-actual",
          "d-10-miss",   "d-10-remain"
        ], data.month_10)

          "d-11-target", "d-11-actual",
          "d-11-miss",   "d-11-remain"
        ], data.month_11)

          "d-total-target", "d-total-actual",
          "d-total-miss",   "d-total-remain"
        ], data.total)

Site: Javascript: Class: Message

The rest websocket events are remain the same.

    websocket.onopen = () => {
      this.status.innerHTML = "Opened"
      websocket.send("Hello There.");

    websocket.onclose = () => {
      this.status.innerHTML = "Closed"
      // Try to reconnect in 5 seconds
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, 5000)

Site: Javascript: Class: Open

As usual, prepare the placehoder for elemen value in HTML documents.

        <button class="button is-dark is-fullwidth has-text-left"
        <a class="button is-info    is-fullwidth hvr-buzz"
           id="d-09-target">D 09 Target</a></td>
        <a class="button is-success is-fullwidth hvr-buzz"
           id="d-09-actual">D 09 Actual</a></td>
        <a class="button is-danger  is-fullwidth hvr-buzz"
           id="d-09-miss">D 09 Miss</a></td>
        <a class="button is-warning is-fullwidth hvr-buzz"
           id="d-09-remain">D 09 Remain</a></td>

Site: HTML: Table

Preview in Web Browser

You can download th HTML file here.

Right click your HTML file from your file manager using right click, and open it using any web browser.

Site: Web Browser Output

Cool. Now the page is done. I can rest for a while now. And be back later.

What is Next 🤔?

It works on my computer

After modernizing our javascript. We need to refactor more for inheritance. But first, we require tabbed user interface.

Consider continue reading [ Excel - Monitor - Tabbed Page Content ].