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Goal: Monitor excel file changes and show the result in browser using websocket.

This is a multiparts article.

1: Class Introduction

Don’t be barbaric. Code properly.

Consider start with OOP from the very beginning, before we dive into more complex situation.

We are going to achieve our goal, in step by step fashioned.

Class Skeleton

All definition shown here:

class Xl2WebExample:
  def __init__(self, filepath, filename):
  def main(self):

In class diagram we can rewrite as below:

| Xl2WebExample |
| - filepath    |
| - filename    |
| + __init()__  |
| + main()      |

Python: Class Diagram

Python Source Code

As usual, source code are available in every step.

Here is just a simple class, with parameter initialization.

# Excel to Web, Class Example
class Xl2WebExample:
  def __init__(self, filepath, filename):
    # save initial parameter
    self.filepath = filepath
    self.filename = filename

  def main(self):
    # Running Main Method
    print("Target: %s/%s"
      % (self.filepath, self.filename))

So we can instantiate the class later as below

# Program Entry Point
example = Xl2WebExample(
  '/home/epsi/awatch', 'test-a.xlsx')

Output in CLI

Examine The Result

The result similar as below:

❯ python 11-class.py
Target: /home/epsi/awatch/test-a.xlsx

Python: Class Introduction: Brief

2: File Monitoring

I have difficulties mixing watchdog and websocket, so I choose watchfiles instead.

Official Documentation


What we need to know is that we are using asynchronous.

So instead of doing this below:


We are going to call as this one below:


We require the asyncio library throughout this tutorial.

Spreadsheet File

Excel as Data Source

You can download the source here:

Excel: File Monitoring: XLSX

This has three cells contain data that we want to, send into our beloved web browser.

We do need to examine th cell yet. All we need to know is that, everytime we save the excel

Class Skeleton

Very similar as previous, except we use the async keyword.

class Xl2WebExample:
  def __init__(self, filepath, filename):
  async def main(self):

Python Source Code

import asyncio
from watchfiles import awatch

# Excel to Web, Class Example
class Xl2WebExample:
  def __init__(self, filepath, filename):
    # save initial parameter
    self.filepath = filepath
    self.filename = filename

  async def main(self):
    async for changes in awatch(self.filepath):

# Program Entry Point
example = Xl2WebExample(
  '/home/epsi/awatch', 'test-a.xlsx')

Python: File Monitoring: Class

The only different with previous code is that, I copy-paste from filewatch official documentation, as below code:

  async def main(self):
    async for changes in awatch(self.filepath):

Output in CLI

Consider have a look at the result, each time we change something in a folder, such as saving excel files.

❯ python 12-filewatch.py
{(<Change.added: 1>, '/home/epsi/awatch/.~lock.test-a.xlsx#'), (<Change.added: 1>, '/home/epsi/awatch/lu22487r35sn.tmp'), (<Change.deleted: 3>, '/home/epsi/awatch/.~lock.test-a.xlsx#')}
{(<Change.deleted: 3>, '/home/epsi/awatch/lu22487r35sn.tmp'), (<Change.added: 1>, '/home/epsi/awatch/test-a.xlsx'), (<Change.modified: 2>, '/home/epsi/awatch/lu22487r35sn.tmp')}

Python: File Monitoring: Output

Your result might be completely different. It depends on what changes occurred in your folder.

3: Serving Web Socket

Official Documentation

Python Source Code

Class Skeleton

Additional websocket handler.

class Xl2WebExample:
  def __init__(self, filepath, filename, site, port):
  async def handler(self, websocket, path):
  async def main(self):

Python: Serving Web Socket: Brief

In class diagram we can rewrite as below:

| Xl2WebExample |
| - filepath    |
| - filename    |
| - site        |
| - port        |
| + __init()__  |
| - handler()   |
| + main()      |

Python: Class Diagram

Class: Init

Additional site and port property. More parameter to be initialized.

class Xl2WebExample:
  def __init__(self, filepath, filename, site, port):
    # save initial parameter
    self.filepath = filepath
    self.filename = filename
    self.site = site
    self.port = port

Python: Serving Web Socket: Init

Entry Point

example = Xl2WebExample(
  '/home/epsi/awatch', 'test-a.xlsx',
  'localhost', 8765)

Websocket Handler

Asynchronously watch files as websocket handler

This is the core part of our script.

  # websocket handler
  async def handler(self, websocket, path):
    async for changes in awatch(self.filepath):
      for change in changes:
        await websocket.send(change[1])

  async def main(self):
    # Start the server
    server = await websockets.serve(
      self.handler, self.site, self.port)
    await server.wait_closed()

Python: Serving Web Socket: Async

I follow the websocket from official documentation. This can be done becau

Output in CLI

Sender and Receiver

Examine the output of the script, as sender.

❯ python 13-websocket.py

And also the receiver in CLI

❯ python -m websockets ws://localhost:8765
Connected to ws://localhost:8765
< /home/epsi/awatch/.~lock.test-a.xlsx#
< /home/epsi/awatch/.~lock.test-a.xlsx#
< /home/epsi/awatch/lu22487r35sq.tmp
< /home/epsi/awatch/lu22487r35sq.tmp
< /home/epsi/awatch/lu22487r35sq.tmp
< /home/epsi/awatch/test-a.xlsx

Python: Serving Web Socket: Output

This websocket is full duplex. You can also type on CLI above, and send the data back to your python script. You can also see how it goes with multiple connection.

Python: Serving Web Socket: Multiple Client

Three client, means three output on original script. This can be done because each connection having its own websocket .

How does it Works?

The sequence diagram can be drawn in figure below:

Python: Sequence Diagram: Watchfiles

4: Serving Multiple Client


Although the code above can serve multiple connection. What we have above is designed for single connection. Instead of sending messages for each connection, we can broadcast to all connection at once.

Python Source Code

Class: Init

Additional connections property, initialized as empty set.

class Xl2WebExample:
  def __init__(self, filepath, filename, site, port):
    # save initial parameter
    self.filepath = filepath
    self.filename = filename
    self.site = site
    self.port = port

    # websocket broadcast collection
    self.connections = set()

Python: Broadcast: Init

This property contain distinct websocket.

Websocket Handler

The handler is different, as we can see here:

  async def __handler(self, websocket):
      await websocket.wait_closed()

Python: Broadcast: Handler

The only task the handler do is, to manage set of websocket collection.

When then connection closed event fired, the flow goes to websockets.serve building block, in main method.

Main Method

  async def main(self):
    # Start the server
    async with await websockets.serve(
      self.__handler, self.site, self.port):
        await self.__broadcast_[py-13-broadcast]changes()

Python: Broadcast: Main

The building block, in main method, will run broadcast_changes.

Broadcast Changes

This will call websockets.broadcast. Note that this websockets (with s) is a module.

  async def __broadcast_changes(self):
    async for changes in awatch(self.filepath):
      for change in changes:
          self.connections, change[1])

Python: Broadcast: Changes

Websocket Handler

Check again the result in multiple client.

Python: Broadcast: : Multiple Client

Although this looks very similar as pervious output, If you examine closely, you will see the different. The original script will print only once, instead three times.

This means smaller log footprint.

What is Next 🤔?

We are done with basic asynchronous watchfiles via websocket. Now it is a good time to read our excel sheet, and put the result in web browser.

Consider continue reading [ Excel - Monitor - Send/Receive ].