Where to Discuss?

Local Group


Goal: Dynamically showing live data in terminal user interface using Python Rich Library from textualize.

6: Static Table

Serving The Data on Rich’s Table

Instead of panel, we can use tabel renderable object.

Python Source Code

It was my habit to include source code in every step.

Class: Skeleton

class LayoutExample:
  def make_layout(self):
  def format_table(self, dataTable):
  def get_left_table(self)  -> Table:
  def get_right_table(self) -> Table:
  def update_layout(self):
  def main(self):

Python Rich: Static Table: Skeleton

Required Package

We should include our data model, in import statement.

import month_15

from rich.console import Console
from rich.layout import Layout
from rich.padding import Padding
from rich.table import Table

Class Instance

Consider refresh our memory about our last article. Calling this class is simple.

example = LayoutExample()

Python Rich: Static Table: Brief

Constructor: Initialization

Still, no need.

Renderable: Making Layout

This is also verbatim copy of previous class in previous article.

  def make_layout(self):
    # Define the layout
    self.layout = Layout(name="root")


Python Rich: Static Table: Making Layout

Main Method

Verbatim copy of previous one. Just to refresh our memory.

  def main(self):
    console = Console()

Layout Update

Consider make an experiment here. Instead of using Panel, how about using Padding, as renderable.

  def update_layout(self):
      Padding(self.get_left_table(), (1, 2)))
      Padding(self.get_right_table(), (1, 2)))

Python Rich: Static Table: Main Method

Data Handling

Using our MonthData class.

Data handling is simple as below:

    month_data = month_15.MonthData(1700)
    rows = month_data.get_strings()

Left Table

Preparing table for header is as below

  def get_left_table(self) -> Table:
    dataTable = Table(
      "Month", "Budget", "Actual", "Gap",
      title="Left Table", expand=True)

    return dataTable

And for the data handling we can write as

    month_data = month_15.MonthData(1300)
    rows = month_data.get_strings()

    for row in rows.values():

I also format the table to make it pretty:


We finally get our complete method as this one:

  def get_left_table(self) -> Table:
    dataTable = Table(
      "Month", "Budget", "Actual", "Gap",
      title="Left Table", expand=True)


    month_data = month_15.MonthData(1300)
    rows = month_data.get_strings()

    for row in rows.values():
    return dataTable

Python Rich: Static Table: Left Table Data Handling

Helper: Table Formatting

This method is new. Just a prettier stuff.

  def format_table(self, dataTable):
    c = dataTable.columns

    c[1].header_style = "bold blue"
    c[2].header_style = "bold green"
    c[3].header_style = "bold yellow"  

    c[0].style = "bold"
    c[1].style = "blue"
    c[2].style = "green"
    c[3].style = "yellow"  

Python Rich: Static Table: Table Formatting

Right Table

The same applied to right panel. We are using the same class. But with different instance. Thus different random data.

  def get_right_table(self) -> Table:
    dataTable = Table(
      "Month", "Budget", "Actual", "Gap",
      title="Left Table", expand=True)


    month_data = month_15.MonthData(1700)
    rows = month_data.get_strings()

    for row in rows.values():
    return dataTable

Python Rich: Static Table: Right Table Data Handling

Note that in real life application, each panel might have different content.


Terminal User Interface in Shell

We see no border, as we utse Padding instead of Panel.

Python Rich: Static Table: TUI in CLI

The color might be different in different terminal. This usually dark mode in windows. But you can change colorscheme.

7: Live Rows

Python Source Code

Again, source code are available in every step. It is getting longer.

Class: Skeleton

The overview of our classes is as below:

class LayoutExample:
  def __init__(self):

  def make_layout(self):
  def format_table(self, dataTable):

  def get_left_panel(self) -> Panel:
  def get_right_panel(self) -> Panel:
  def update_layout(self):

  def main(self):

Python Rich: Live Rows: Brief

I won’t bother with class visibility. As long as it runs, it is fine for me.

Required Package

A long package import to go

import month_15
import time

from rich.console import Console
from rich.layout import Layout
from rich.panel import Panel
from rich.table import Table
from rich.live import Live

Constructor: Initialization

We’d better initialize the data feed here, so we can use them later in any method.

  def __init__(self):
    # init month data
    self.month_data_left  = month_15.MonthData(1300)
    self.month_data_right = month_15.MonthData(1700)

Python Rich: Live Rows: Init

Renderable: Left Panel

Consider going back to renerable Panel, instead of Padding. Add expand to get full width advantage. The rest is the same. Nothing special here.

  def get_left_panel(self) -> Panel:
    dataTable = Table(
      "Month", "Budget", "Actual", "Gap",
      title="Left Table", expand=True)


    rows = self.month_data_left.get_strings()
    for row in rows.values():
    panel = Panel(
      dataTable, title="Left Panel",
      subtitle="Left [yellow]Thank you")
    return panel

Python Rich: Live Rows: Let Panel

Renderable: Right Panel

Just copy paste form left panel, and change some properties.

  def get_right_panel(self) -> Panel:
    dataTable = Table(
      "Month", "Budget", "Actual", "Gap",
      title="Right Table", expand=True)


    rows = self.month_data_right.get_strings()
    for row in rows.values():
    panel = Panel(
      dataTable, title="Right Panel",
      subtitle="Right [blue]Thank you")
    return panel

Python Rich: Live Rows: Right Panel

Layout: Update

The update layout is remain the same.

  def update_layout(self):

Main Method: Live

Big difference! Beware of this part.

We are not just wrapped the update layout inside an infinite loop. But also put inside the scope of Live.

  def main(self):

    with Live(self.layout, transient=True):
       while True:

As we see, we update both panel every one second.

Live Scope

The with scope is important. If you manage within a more complex class, you can save the live variable as:

with Live(layout) as live:
  example = ExampleClass(live, layout, ...)

Save the parameter as property, such as self.live and self.layout. And call later in ExampleClass as below:

    with self.live:

Luckily, our example in here is simple. No need to add this complexity this time.

Class Instance

example = LayoutExample()

Python Rich: Live Rows: Main Method


Terminal User Interface in Shell

Python Rich: Live Rows: TUI in CLI

Looks better with moving data. But we can go further, by updating each panel, with different deleay time.

8: Asynchronous Live

Python Source Code

The source code is getting longer, and longer.

Class: Skeleton

Don’t be initimidated by a bunch of method. Most contains verbatim copy of previous code.

class LayoutExample:
  def __init__(self):

  def make_layout(self):
  def format_table(self, dataTable):

  def get_left_panel(self) -> Panel:
  def get_right_panel(self) -> Panel:

  async def do_left(self):
  async def do_right(self):

  async def main(self):

Python Rich: Asynchronous Live: Skeleton

Required Package

AsyncIO for concurrency

Self explanation.

import month_15
import asyncio
import datetime;

from random import randint

from rich.console import Console
from rich.layout import Layout
from rich.panel import Panel
from rich.table import Table
from rich.live import Live

Constructor: Initialization

More random data, so you don’t get bored, with the same data over and over again.

  def __init__(self):
    # init month data
    self.month_data_left  = \
      month_15.MonthData(1000 + randint(0, 1000))
    self.month_data_right = \
      month_15.MonthData(1000 + randint(0, 1000))

Python Rich: Asynchronous Live: Constructor

Nested Table

How do I add text over the table?

You can also create renderable text by using table:

    message = Table.grid(padding=1, expand=True)
    cts = datetime.datetime.now()
      "Time Received: [yellow]" + str(cts))

And you can also insert table inside the next row.


Renderable: Left Panel

The complete method for left panel can be shown as below code:

  def get_left_panel(self) -> Panel:
    dataTable = Table(
      "Month", "Budget", "Actual", "Gap",


    rows = self.month_data_left.get_strings()
    for row in rows.values():

    message = Table.grid(padding=1, expand=True)
    cts = datetime.datetime.now()
      "Time Received: [yellow]" + str(cts))

    panel = Panel(
      message, title="Left Panel",
      subtitle="Left [yellow]Report")
    return panel

Python Rich: Asynchronous Live: Left Panel

Renderable: Right Panel

The same applied with right panel. Just copy paste form left panel, and change some properties.

def get_right_panel(self) -> Panel:
    dataTable = Table(
      "Month", "Budget", "Actual", "Gap",


    rows = self.month_data_right.get_strings()
    for row in rows.values():

    message = Table.grid(padding=1, expand=True)
    cts = datetime.datetime.now()
      "Time Received: [blue]" + str(cts))

    panel = Panel(
      message, title="Right Panel",
      subtitle="Right [blue]Report")
    return panel

Python Rich: Asynchronous Live: Right Panel

Async Main Method: Live

Again! Beware of this part.

We need to use await for cuncurrent task. In order to use await, we need to add async keyword.

In order to run two concurrent task, we need to use asyncio.create_task, and await for each task.

  async def main(self):

    with Live(self.layout, transient=True):
      task_left = asyncio.create_task(
      task_right = asyncio.create_task(


Python Rich: Asynchronous Live: Live

Layout: Update

The concurrent process itself can be written, as infinite loop, in which loop has a delay. This delay in this example, intentionally made to give other process, a chance to be executed by scheduler.

  async def do_left(self):
    while True:
      await asyncio.sleep(5)

  async def do_right(self):
    while True:
      await asyncio.sleep(3)

Python Rich: Asynchronous Live: Task

Not that you can add the delay differently than above. For example as below:

await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.sleep(0.4), timeout=1)

This will update you screen very fast.

Class Instance

Since we use concurrent task with asyncio, we should call in program entry point with below notation:

example = LayoutExample()

Python Rich: Asynchronous Live: Brief


Terminal User Interface in Shell

Rich layout always have fullscreen. Take the maximum length and width of the terminal. And also be updated, for every terminal size changes.

Python Rich: Asynchronous Live: TUI in CLI

This looks better in video.

What is Next 🤔?

Combine with other library

One real life simple example that I can provide is, showing watchfiles in its own panel.

Consider continue reading [ Python - Rich - Single Watchfiles ].