Where to Discuss?

Local Group


Goal: Realtime data plot using Pandas.

This enhanced part contain miscellanous enhancement, that we can do to our previous code.

4: Asynchronous Publisher

Modern approach for event driven programming.

Official Documentation

You should consider to read the official documentation, before using asyncio_mqtt.

Python Source Code

You can just read the source as an overview.

Package Requirement


Since we have already use asyncio, why don’t we also use friendly syntax asyncio-mqtt?

import asyncio_mqtt sas aiomqtt
import asyncio
import random

from time import sleep

MQTT: Asynchronous Publisher: Required Package


Very similar with skeleton in previous article, except the main menu using asynchronous.

class mqPublisher:
  def __init__(self):
  def update_num(self):
  async def main(self):

MQTT: Asynchronous Publisher: Skeleton


The same as constructor in previous article.

Updating Values

The same as method in previous article.

Main Method

Using aiomqtt is straightforward. Very similar to common practice in asyncio app. Using await for asynchronous task.

  async def main(self):
    client = aiomqtt.Client(
      hostname="localhost", port=1883)

    async with client:
      while True:

        await client.publish(

        await asyncio.sleep(1)

MQTT: Asynchronous Publisher: Main Method

Execute: Run

And also, common syntax for asyncio application.

mqPub = mqPublisher()

MQTT: Asynchronous Publisher: Run

5: Asynchronous Subscriber

Python Source Code

You can just read the source as an overview.

Package Requirement


Again, we use asyncio_mqtt.

import asyncio_mqtt as aiomqtt
import asyncio

MQTT: Asynchronous Subscriber: Brief


Only this two methods. So simple.

class mqSubscriber:
  def update(self, msg):
  async def main(self):


Not required this time. But we are going to have complex code ahead.


All we need to do is just, dump the received package to console.

  def update(self, msg):
    float_num = float(msg.payload)
    print("%.2f" % float_num)

MQTT: Asynchronous Subscriber: Update

Main Method

I adapt from official documentation.

  async def main(self):
    client = aiomqtt.Client(
      hostname="localhost", port=1883)

    async with client:
      async with client.messages() as messages:
        await client.subscribe("topic/signal")

        async for message in messages:

MQTT: Asynchronous Subscriber: Main Method

Execute: Run

As usual asyncio:

mqSub = mqSubscriber()

Dual Output in CLI

You can see the result here. Both publisher and subscriber running together in harmony.

MQTT: Asynchronous Publisher: Dual Panel Script

Comparing Topic

Between The Publisher and The Subscriber, Flow the Topic.

Again, you can examine, how the topic flow, using async library.

MQTT: Topic Compare: Using Async

6: Preparing Dataframe

Combine MQTT and Pandas for Further Use

What we do here is gather different code, in this article series.

We need to be well prepared, before we jump into complex case, the realtime moving time series plot.

Python Source Code

You can just read the source as an overview.

Package Requirement

Pandas for Dataframe

import asyncio_mqtt as aiomqtt
import asyncio
import pandas as pd

MQTT: Preparing Dataframe: Recquired Package


Still simple

No unnecessary fuss.

class mqSubscriber:
  def __init__(self):
  def print_new_pair(self, new_pair):
  def update(self, msg):
  async def main(self):

MQTT: Preparing Dataframe: Skeleton


We can optionally, prepare empty series. It is best practice to put empty structure.

We pack list of data series with the same length in dataframe.

class mqSubscriber:
  def __init__(self):
    # save initial parameter
    self.index = 0
    self.timeframe = pd.DataFrame({
      "time": [], "temp": []  })

MQTT: Preparing Dataframe: Constructor

We have already discuss this in previous panda article.


This is also the same as our previous panda article.

For each new number, we pack into pair. And then append each pair into the dataframe.

  def update(self, msg):
    new_pair =  pd.DataFrame({
      "time": pd.Timestamp.now(),
      "temp": float(msg.payload)
    }, index=[self.index])


    self.index += 1
    self.timeframe = pd.concat(
      [self.timeframe, new_pair])

MQTT: Preparing Dataframe: Updating

This is also the same as our previous panda plot article.

  def print_new_pair(self, new_pair):
    if self.index == 0:
      new_str = new_pair.to_string(
      new_str = new_pair.to_string(
        index=False, header=False)
    print(new_str, end="\r", flush=True)

MQTT: Preparing Dataframe: Progress

Main Method

This is the same as previous asyncio mqtt int this article.

  async def main(self):
    client = aiomqtt.Client(
      hostname="localhost", port=1883)

    async with client:
      async with client.messages() as messages:
        await client.subscribe("topic/signal")
        async for message in messages:

MQTT: Preparing Dataframe: Main Method

Execute: Run

Finally we can run the combined code.

mqSub = mqSubscriber()

except KeyboardInterrupt:

MQTT: Preparing Dataframe: Run

Dual Output in CLI

This video below, would make it easy for you to picture the script result.

What is Next 🤔?

We are done with data. We are already well prepared. We need to jump, into realtime moving time series plotting. We should start with simple realtime plotting.

Consider continue reading [ Python - MQTT - Simple Realtime Plot ].