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Goal: Realtime data plot using Pandas.

The main idea is to put additional data series, to keep timestamp as the float, so we can interpolate the x axis in float, and cast to time later as plotting source.

Panda: Plotting Time Series: Chart Medium

As usual we separate data and chart.

4: Plotting Time Series: Data

How about smoothing the line? The issue with smoothing is, the interpolation method does not accept time series. So we have to keep the data in float instead, and cast into time series before we plot.

Python Source Code

It is just a one script. And it is yours now.

So you won’t get lost while retyping all over again.

Required Package

Interpolate from scipy

We are going to smooth our plot lines, one method here is to interpolate using scipy library.

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as md

import pandas as pd
import numpy  as np
import random

from datetime import datetime
from time     import sleep
from scipy    import interpolate

Panda: Plotting Time Series: Recquired Package

It is getting longer.


We have a bunch of methods. Because I like to refactor things into smaller parts.

class rndPlotter:
  def __init__(self):
  def chart_setup(self):
  def number_setup(self):
  def update_num(self):
  def print_new_pair(self, new_pair):
  def update_data(self):
  def get_df_smooth(self):
  def generateSeries(self):
  def plotSeries(self):
  def __call__(self):

Panda: Plotting Time Series: Skeleton


We include ftime series in the dataframe. This series hold float type for time series.

class rndPlotter:
  def __init__(self):
    # save initial parameter
    self.index = 0
    self.timeframe = pd.DataFrame({
      "time": [], "ftime": [], "temp": [] })


Panda: Plotting Time Series: Constructor

Generating Data

It is still verbatim copy from method from previous article.

  def generateSeries(self):
    for i in range(0, 40):


Panda: Plotting Time Series: Generate Data

Update Data Frame

We also need to update the ftime method. Casting from time to float type.

  def update_data(self):
    new_num  = self.current
    new_time = datetime.now()
    new_time_as_float = datetime.timestamp(new_time)

    new_pair = pd.DataFrame({
      "time" : new_time,
      "ftime": new_time_as_float,
      "temp" : new_num
    }, index=[self.index])


    self.index += 1
    self.timeframe = pd.concat(
      [self.timeframe, new_pair])

Panda: Plotting Time Series: Update Data

Since we have a lot of data. We should make it simple, by showing them, as one liners.

    print(new_str, end="\r", flush=True)

The complete method shown below:

  def print_new_pair(self, new_pair):
    if self.index == 0:
      new_str = new_pair.to_string(
      new_str = new_pair.to_string(
        index=False, header=False)
    print(new_str, end="\r", flush=True)

Panda: Plotting Time Series: Print Pair


Simple Data Example

You can find splrep tutorial anywhere else.

Suppose you have simple data series with xdata and ydata. You can just interpolate with this code

      n = len(self.ydata)
      tck = interpolate.splrep(
        self.xdata, self.ydata, s=0)

      xfit = np.arange(0, n-1, np.pi/50)
      yfit = interpolate.splev(xfit, tck, der=0)

And set the plot later with:


We can interpolate simple number such as float type, and get the xfit and yfit. But we cannot interpolate timestamp type.

That is why we have ftime series in the first place.

Interpolating Time Series

Here is the trick, instead of plot the float directly, we cast the float to timestamp. List translation can be obtained by using list comprehension.

  def get_df_smooth(self):
    df_t = self.timeframe['ftime']   
    tck = interpolate.splrep(
        df_t, self.timeframe['temp'], s=0)

    xfit = np.arange(df_t[0], df_t.values[-1], 0.1)
    yfit = interpolate.splev(xfit, tck, der=0)
    tfit = [datetime.fromtimestamp(f) for f in xfit]

    return pd.DataFrame({
      "time": tfit,
      "temp": yfit

Panda: Plotting Time Series: Spline

So instead of packaging values as xfit and yfit. We package the tfit and yfit into dataframe.

Now we are ready to plot.

Main Method

  def __call__(self):

Panda: Plotting Time Series: Main

Output in CLI

Now you can run the script, even without the chart, you can still have below output.

rndPlo = rndPlotter()

So we can have output as below:

❯ python 04-smooth.py
                      time        ftime      temp
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>09 9.8573885
Int64Index: 40 entries, 0 to 39
Data columns (total 3 columns):
 #   Column  Non-Null Count  Dtype         
---  ------  --------------  -----         
 0   time    40 non-null     datetime64[ns]
 1   ftime   40 non-null     float64       
 2   temp    40 non-null     float64       
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(2)
memory usage: 1.2 KB

Panda: Plotting Time Series: Output in CLI

4: Plotting Time Series: Chart

After dataframe, we are ready to draw the chart.

Instead of one lines, we actually have to dataframes.

  • The basic self.timeframe, and
  • Something comes up by smoothing.

Setting up Chart Decoration

Consider add some title and label, beside formatting.

  def chart_setup(self):
    self.fig, self.axes = plt.subplots()

    xfmt = md.DateFormatter('%H:%M:%S')

    plt.title('Value by Time')

Panda: Plotting Time Series: Setup

Setting up Grid

Let’s make it pretty with grid. Both major and minor.

      color = '#004d40',
      linestyle = '--',
      linewidth = 0.8)

      color = '#009688',
      linestyle = ':',
      linewidth = 0.4)


Panda: Plotting Time Series: Grid

Plotting Series

We have two series, draw both.

  • Original data as marker only.
  • Smooth data as normal line.
  def plotSeries(self):
    df_smooth = self.get_df_smooth()

      marker='+', markerfacecolor='#00796b')

      df_smooth.temp, color='#1976d2')

    for tick in self.axes.get_xticklabels():


Panda: Plotting Time Series: Plotting  Series

I use material design color to make the looks pretty.

Chart Preview

The result is not bad.

Panda: Plotting Time Series: Chart Large

What is Next 🤔?

This chart is static. How about realtime?

We are going to reboot the article with data using mqtt, then plot the receiving data later.

Consider continue reading [ Python - MQTT - Simulator ].