Where to Discuss?

Local Group


Goal: Housekeeping previous code

This is a multiparts article.

Consider tidy, all the codes, with base class. This way, we can separate generic logic flow and custom data setting.

In order to do this, we require to fresh sheet, with more complexity. Completely abandoning previous example.

Excel: XLSX: Two Fresh Sheet

Data Flow

Focus on Data

A script is just a tool. So we can do more about our job.

With class contain only data setting, we can easily focus on data flow for each transition sequence.

Data Flow: From Python to Javascript to HTML

XLSX Files

This works for either Microsoft Excel or Libreoffice Calc.

This script does not depend on either MS Excel or LO Calc. The openpyxl only know the .xlsx in filesystem. Both userbase should feel comfortable using this openpyxl library.

You can download the source here:

9: Python Class Refactoring


We are going to make something like below figure:

Python: Class Diagram

Base Class: Skeleton

Parent: Focus on Flow Logic

In order to make base class, we can just copy paste the code. Test it in the same python file, and move to its own file later.

class Xl2WebBase:
  def __init__(self, filepath, filename, site, port):

  # websocket related
  async def __send_data(self, fullname):
  async def __monitor_localfile(self):
  async def __monitor_webclient(self, websocket):
  async def __monitor_localfileconn(self, websocket):

  # websocket handler
  async def __handler(self, websocket, path):

  async def main(self):


Python: Base Class: Skeleton

This way, the base class contain only the logic flow.

Base Class: Init

Additional connections property, initialized as empty set.

class Xl2WebExample:
  def __init__(self, filepath, filename, site, port):
    # save initial parameter
    self.filepath = filepath
    self.filename = filename
    self.site = site
    self.port = port

    # websocket broadcast collection
    self.connections = set()

    # self.xlsx required in descendent class
    self.xlsx = None

Python: Base Class: Init

Base Class: Detail

Since we apply both broadcast and send. There will so much changes.

Here, watchfiles result triggering broadcast.

  async def __monitor_localfile(self):
    async for changes in awatch(self.filepath):
      self.xlsx = os.path.join(self.filepath, self.filename)
      for change in changes:
        if change[1] == self.xlsx:

          event_data = self._pack_data(self.xlsx)

            self.connections, json.dumps(event_data))

Python: Base Class: Monitor Local File

And any message from client, will trigger send.

  async def __monitor_webclient(self, websocket):
    while True:
        message = await websocket.recv()
      except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed:

      self.xlsx = os.path.join(self.filepath, self.filename)

      event_data = self._pack_data(self.xlsx)
      await websocket.send(

Python: Base Class: Monitor Web Client

The message itself is completely discarded in this use case.

Base Class: Handler


And here we are, polling the connection, and gather into set collection.

  async def __monitor_localfileconn(self, websocket):
      await websocket.wait_closed()

Python: Base Class: Monitor Connection

The handler is almost the same, except the websocket will passed as parameter argument.

  async def __handler(self, websocket, path):
    task_localfile = asyncio.create_task(

    task_webclient = asyncio.create_task(

    # run these two coroutines concurrently

Python: Base Class: Websocket Handler

And finally, on websocket return, What it mean is, while websocket running forever, waiting to be closed.

On websocket return, we ask the watchfiles to run. For every changes in watchfiles, we broadcast.

  async def main(self):
    # Start the server
    async with await websockets.serve(
      self.__handler, self.site, self.port):
        await self.__monitor_localfile()

Python: Base Class: Main Method

If you find this async and await confusing. Sometimes we better think of it as magic.

Example Sheet: Global Review

We are going to start with the simple one. Consider have a look at the address of our brand new worksheet.

Excel: XLSX: One Fresh Sheet

We have this six Cells:

  • E3:E5
  • G3:G5

Data Mapping Flow

We have to map, each cell to python, then map python to javascript, and finally javascript to HTML element ID.

For example.

  • Excel: Cell E3,
  • Python: data.month_09.budget,
  • Javascript: event.data then struct.budget,
  • HTML element ID: c-09-budget.

Descendant Class: Skeleton

Child: Focus on Data Handling

No need to write all code here, since it is exactly the same as the previous article.

# Excel to Web, Example Class
class Xl2Web_c(xl2web.Xl2WebBase):
  def _pack_data(self, fullname):
  def _dump_data(self, data):

Python: Descendant Class: Brief

Instead of private method, we define the method as protected modifier.

Descendant Class: Data

Now we can, map the cell data as below:

class Xl2Web_c(xl2web.Xl2WebBase):
  # miscellanous helper
  def _pack_data(self, fullname):
    # reopen the worksheet all over again
    wb = load_workbook(self.xlsx, data_only=True)
    ws = wb["Example"]

    month_09 = {
      "budget": ws['E3'].value,
      "actual": ws['E4'].value,
      "gap"   : ws['E5'].value#### Class: Init

Additional `connections` property,
initialized as empty set.#### Base Class: Detail

<div class="highlight"><pre style="color:#f8f8f2;background-color:#272822;-moz-tab-size:4;-o-tab-size:4;tab-size:4"><code class="language-python" data-lang="python"><span style="color:#66d9ef">class</span> <span style="color:#a6e22e">Xl2WebExample</span>:
  <span style="color:#66d9ef">def</span> __init__(self, filepath, filename, site, port):
    <span style="color:#75715e"># save initial parameter</span>
    self<span style="color:#f92672">.</span>filepath <span style="color:#f92672">=</span> filepath
    self<span style="color:#f92672">.</span>filename <span style="color:#f92672">=</span> filename
    self<span style="color:#f92672">.</span>site <span style="color:#f92672">=</span> site
    self<span style="color:#f92672">.</span>port <span style="color:#f92672">=</span> port

    <span style="color:#75715e"># websocket broadcast collection</span>
    self<span style="color:#f92672">.</span>connections <span style="color:#f92672">=</span> set()</code></pre></div>

![Python: Broadcast: Init][13b-py-init]#### Base Class: Detail

    month_10 = {
      "budget": ws['G3'].value,
      "actual": ws['G4'].value,
      "gap"   : ws['G5'].value

    return {
      "timestamp" : time.ctime(),
      "file"      : fullname,
      "month_09"  : month_09,
      "month_10"  : month_10
     }[50-handler]:           https://epsi.bitbucket.io/assets/posts/monitor/2023/01/websocket/50-handler.png
[50-local-file]:        https://epsi.bitbucket.io/assets/posts/monitor/2023/01/websocket/50-local-file.png
[50-local-file-conn]:   https://epsi.bitbucket.io/assets/posts/monitor/2023/01/websocket/50-local-file-conn.png
[50-web-client]:        https://epsi.bitbucket.io/assets/posts/monitor/2023/01/websocket/50-web-client.png

Python: Descendant Class: Data Handling

And dump later on.

  def _dump_data(self, data):
    print("Timestamp     : %s" % data["timestamp"])
    print("File Modified : %s" % data["file"])
    print("September     : %s" % data["month_09"])
    print("October       : %s" % data["month_10"])

Python: Descendant Class: Data Handling

Output in CLI

Trigger the file watch by saving the excel file. In order to do this right, you should run both script and websocket.

❯ python 21c-show.py
Timestamp     : Wed Jan 11 09:18:12 2023
File Modified : None
September     : {'budget': 1230, 'actual': 890, 'gap': 340}
October       : {'budget': 1320, 'actual': 1410, 'gap': -90}

Python: Descendant Class: Data Output

Example Sheet: Daily Progress

The same applied with any other sheet. Such as more complex data below:

Excel: XLSX: One Fresh Sheet

Descendant Class

Child: Focus on Data Handling

The code is very similar to previous one.

class Xl2Web_d(xl2web.Xl2WebBase):
  def _pack_data(self, fullname):
  def _dump_data(self, data):

Python: Descendant Class: Brief

class Xl2Web_d(xl2web.Xl2WebBase):
  # miscellanous helper
  def _pack_data(self, fullname):
    # reopen the worksheet all over again
    wb = load_workbook(self.xlsx, data_only=True)
    ws = wb["Example"]

    month_09 = {
      "target": ws['D3'].value,
      "actual": ws['E3'].value,
      "miss"  : ws['F3'].value,
      "remain": ws['G3'].value

    month_10 = {
      "target": ws['D4'].value,
      "actual": ws['E4'].value,
      "miss"  : ws['F4'].value,
      "remain": ws['G4'].value

Python: Descendant Class: Data Handling

    month_11 = {
      "target": ws['D5'].value,
      "actual": ws['E5'].value,
      "miss"  : ws['F5'].value,
      "remain": ws['G5'].value

    total = {
      "target": ws['D6'].value,
      "actual": ws['E6'].value,
      "miss"  : ws['F6'].value,
      "remain": ws['G6'].value

    return {
      "timestamp" : time.ctime(),
      "file"      : fullname,
      "month_09"  : month_09,
      "month_10"  : month_10,
      "month_11"  : month_11,
      "total"     : total
     }#### Base Class: Detail

Python: Descendant Class: Data Handling

  def _dump_data(self, data):
    print("Timestamp     : %s" % data["timestamp"])
    print("File Modified : %s" % data["file"])
    print("September     : %s" % data["month_09"])
    print("October       : %s" % data["month_10"])
    print("November      : %s" % data["month_11"])
    print("Total         : %s" % data["total"])

Python: Descendant Class: Data Handling

❯ python 21d-show.py
Timestamp     : Wed Jan 11 09:19:21 2023
File Modified : None
September     : {'target': 4801, 'actual': 3803, 'miss': 403, 'remain': 595}
October       : {'target': 1300, 'actual': 1200, 'miss': 10, 'remain': 90}
November      : {'target': 1105, 'actual': 1005, 'miss': 55, 'remain': 45}
Total         : {'target': 7206, 'actual': 6008, 'miss': 468, 'remain': 730}
50-init: https://epsi.bitbucket.io/assets/posts/monitor/2023/01/websocket/50-init.png

Python: Descendant Class: Data Output

What is Next 🤔?

It works on my computer

After we are done with refactoring using python inheritance. We can modernize our javascript.

Consider continue reading [ Excel - Monitor - Javascript Class ].