Goal: A practical case to collect unique record fields using Perl.
Perl5 is not a dead language. It is still widely used.
But if you need to evolve, you should consider Raku (formerly Perl6).
Reference Reading
The last time I read perl documentation thoroughly, was two decades ago.
Source Examples
You can obtain source examples here:
Common Use Case
Task: Get the unique tag string
Please read overview for more detail.
Prepopulated Data
Songs and Poetry
package MySongs;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @songs = (
{ title => 'Cantaloupe Island',
tags => ['60s', 'jazz'] },
{ title => 'Let It Be',
tags => ['60s', 'rock'] },
{ title => 'Knockin\' on Heaven\'s Door',
tags => ['70s', 'rock'] },
{ title => 'Emotion',
tags => ['70s', 'pop'] },
{ title => 'The River'},
Perl Solution
The Answer
I use list comprehension like syntax using map
and grep
One of them is this oneliner as below:
use MySongs;
my %seen;
my @songs_tags = grep {
} map {
@{ $_->{'tags'} }
} grep {
} @MySongs::songs;
say join(":", @songs_tags);
Enough with introduction, at this point we should go straight to coding.
No need any special setup. Just run and voila..!
1: Data Structure Using Dictionary
We can use list
or array
But array
in data structure is easier to handle.
So we are going to use array
throught out this article.
Simple List
Consider begin with simple list
my @tags = ('rock',
'jazz', 'rock', 'pop', 'pop');
print join(':', @tags) . "\n";
It is easy to dump array
in perl
using join
With the result similar as below list
❯ perl
Simple Array
How about array?
use strict;
use warnings;
sub say {print @_, "\n"}
my $tags_ref = ['rock',
'jazz', 'rock', 'pop', 'pop'];
say join(':', @$tags_ref);
Alternatively, you can use say
, instead of perl
❯ perl
Quote Word
Alternative syntax.
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
my @tags = qw<rock jazz rock pop pop>;
say join ':', @tags;
With the result similar as below joined string
❯ perl
Default Header Declaration
For most of the perl script I use the same header as below:
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
With shebang
such as #!/usr/bin/perl
you do not need to type perl
in CLI.
Instead of
❯ perl
You can just type
❯ ./
And you can run the script directly in your text editor.
Such as using geany, you just can hit the F5
key to run the script.
We can use hash
to store our record.
my %song = (
title => 'Cantaloupe Island',
tags => ['60s', 'jazz']
And examine how to access the array inside the hash
my $tags = $song{tags};
say $song{title};
say join(":", @$tags);
say $song{tags}[1];
You should be careful with these symbol:
for scalar,@
for array, and%
for hash.- Conversion such as
for array representation.
Now, examine the result:
❯ ./
Cantaloupe Island
The Songs Structure
We can continue our journey to records using array
of hash
No need any complex structure.
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
my @songs = (
{ title => 'Cantaloupe Island',
tags => ['60s', 'jazz'] },
{ title => 'Let It Be',
tags => ['60s', 'rock'] },
{ title => 'Knockin\' on Heaven\'s Door',
tags => ['70s', 'rock'] },
{ title => 'Emotion',
tags => ['70s', 'pop'] },
{ title => 'The River'}
Then process in a loop to produce desired output.
for (@songs) {
my %song_hash = %$_;
if (exists $song_hash{'tags'}) {
my $tags = $song_hash{'tags'};
say $song_hash{'title'} . " is "
. join(":", @$tags);
With the result similar as below record:
❯ ./
Cantaloupe Island is 60s:jazz
Let It Be is 60s:rock
Knockin' on Heaven's Door is 70s:rock
Emotion is 70s:pop
Filtering Approach
I’m using exists
to test if the hash certain key.
exists $song_hash{'tags'}
There will be other alternatives as well.
2: Separating Module
Since we need to reuse the songs record multiple times, it is a good idea to separate the record structure from logic.
Songs Module
The code can be shown as below:
Notice the extension is .pm
instead of .pl
package MySongs;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @songs = (
{ title => 'Cantaloupe Island',
tags => ['60s', 'jazz'] },
{ title => 'Let It Be',
tags => ['60s', 'rock'] },
{ title => 'Knockin\' on Heaven\'s Door',
tags => ['70s', 'rock'] },
{ title => 'Emotion',
tags => ['70s', 'pop'] },
{ title => 'The River'},
Module in Relative Path
In order to use module in relative path, we need to add a few more header declaration.
use File::Basename;
use lib dirname(__FILE__);
use MySongs;
Using Songs Module
Now we can have a shorter code as shown below.
for my $song ( @MySongs::songs ) {
my %song_hash = %$song;
if (exists($song_hash{'tags'})) {
my $tags = $song_hash{'tags'};
say $song_hash{'title'} . " is "
. join(":", @$tags);
With the result exactly the same as previous code.
Using Default Variable
We can even rewrite code above to be a very short code, with advantage of perl syntax.
for (@MySongs::songs) {
if (exists $_->{'tags'}) {
say @$_{'title'} . " is "
. join(":", @{ $_->{'tags'} });
The result is, exactly the same as previous code.
❯ ./
Cantaloupe Island is 60s:jazz
Let It Be is 60s:rock
Knockin' on Heaven's Door is 70s:rock
Emotion is 70s:pop
3: Finishing The Task
Extract, Flatten, Unique
We can solve, this task,
by using imperative approach,
such as for
And later we can build,
a list comprehension like appproach,
utilizing map
and grep
Extracting Hash
Filtering hash, and push to array
Consider start with this long code:
my @tagss = ();
for my $song ( @MySongs::songs ) {
my %song_hash = %$song;
if (exists($song_hash{'tags'})) {
push @tagss, $song_hash{'tags'};
for my $tags ( @tagss ) {
say join(":", @$tags);
With the result of array
of array
, as shown below.
❯ ./
We can also have compacted version of above code.
my @tagss = ();
for (@MySongs::songs) {
if (exists $_->{'tags'} ) {
push @tagss, $_->{'tags'};
for (@tagss) {
say join(":", @$_);
With exactly the same result.
Filtering Using Keys.
We can also utilize keys
as below:
my @tagss = ();
for (@MySongs::songs) {
if (grep /tags/, keys %$_) {
push @tagss, $_->{'tags'};
With exactly the same result.
Flatten Function
To flatten the code above, we can directly push array with this code below:
push @tagss, @{ $_->{'tags'} };
Since we are going to reuse the flatten approach above in other script. It is better to bundle the script in its own perl module.
package MyHelperFlatten;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub flatten {
my @tagss = ();
for (@_) {
if (exists $_->{'tags'}) {
push @tagss, @{ $_->{'tags'} };
return @tagss;
The return values is an array.
Using Flatten Module
There is nothing to say in this code below.
Just apply flatten
function to our song records.
use MySongs;
use MyHelperFlatten;
say join(":",
With the result of a flattened array
shown below.
❯ ./
To solve unique
we can use code taken from stackoverflow below:
sub unique {
my %seen;
grep !$seen{$_}++, @_;
And applying to our previous code:
say join(":",
With the result similar as below array:
❯ ./
What is Next 🤔?
We have alternative way to extract the record structure. With pattern similar to list comprehension.
Consider continue reading [ Perl - Playing with Records - Part Two ].