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Goal: Separating formatting code and configuration. Example class using unified configuration.

Using design pattern, we can colorized the header. And also give border for both header and data.

Example Sheet

You can download example ODS source here:

And also example XLSX result here:

06: Step Six

Steps Overview

These are the topics for unified configuration in this section:

  • Formatting Procedure: Format head borders (multiple block of columns)

Other topics are similar to the simple configuration:

  • Helper: Get head range, set head rectangle, apply head border
  • Formatting Procedure: Format head border
  • Formatting Procedure: Format head colors

Macro Source

The macro source can be obtained in this repository:

Class Diagram

Class Diagram: Formatting: Unified Configuration: Step 06

Some Code Here


07: Step Seven

Steps Overview

These are the topics for unified configuration in this section:

  • Formatting Procedure: Format data borders (multiple block of columns)

Other topics are similar to the simple configuration:

  • Helper: Get data range, set data rectangle, apply data border
  • Formatting Procedure: Format data border

Macro Source

The macro source can be obtained in this repository:

Class Diagram

Class Diagram: Formatting: Unified Configuration: Step 07

Some Code Here


What is Next 🤔?

There is still additional coloring. I need time to complete the material for the rest of the article.

Thank you for visiting.