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Goal: Convert LibreOffice python macro to UNO python script. Reading and writing the same sheet.

This time is simpler since we can divide each class into different library files. Given that the majority of the code remains consistent with the macro example, there’s no need to reiterate every explanation.

Let’s expedite the process. We have the following files:

  • 11-dataframe.py
  • 12-pivot.py
  • 13-writer.py
  • 14-deco.py
  • 15-total.py

The only aspect we need to modify is the loading part.

Preparing The Dataframe

This script essentially loops through a range of rows in a worksheet, concatenating the values into a dataframe.

With the ability to read and write into a worksheet, your basic scripting skills are sufficient for straightforward data processing. You can experiment with any bulk of worksheet data for practice.

Class Diagram

Learning becomes more accessible with an initial visualization. This is a starting-point diagram, not strictly adhering to standard UML diagram conventions.

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Preparing Dataframe: Class Diagram

The class diagram above was created using multiple pages in Inkscape. The source can be obtained here for your adaptation.

Directory Structure

├── 11-dataframe.py
└── lib
    ├── helper.py
    └── PivotReader11

You can also observe the required library in the script below:

Script Skeleton

We are going to use this PivotReader11.

import pandas as pd

# Local Library
from lib.helper import (
  get_desktop, open_document, get_file_path)
from lib.PivotReader11 import PivotReader

def main() -> int:
  return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
  raise SystemExit(main())

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Preparing Dataframe: Script Skeleton

I’ve also added a return value, so that the script can exit gracefully.

Main Script

The initial part of the script involves variable initialization.

def main() -> int:
  columns = {
    'index' : 'A',
    'date'  : 'B',
    'cat'   : 'C'

  pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 10)

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Preparing Dataframe: Main Script

The concluding part of the script, includes the sheet instance and class instance.

  # Getting the source sheet
  file_path = get_file_path('Example.ods')
  desktop   = get_desktop()
  document  = open_document(desktop, file_path)

  if document:
    reader = PivotReader(
      document, 'Table', columns)
  return 0

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Preparing Dataframe: Main Script

Class: PivotReader: Initialization

You can simply copy and paste our previous Python macro, and adapt it to the Python UNO script. The only difference lies in the initialization part.

class PivotReader:
  def __init__(self,
      document  : 'com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument',
      sheetName : str,
      columns   : Dict[str, str]) -> None:

    # save initial parameter
    self.document = document
    self.sheet = self.document. \

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Preparing Dataframe: Class Initialization

After obtaining this document, the remainder of the process is the same as in the macro example.

  def __init__(self,

    # Unpack the dictionary keys and values
    # into class attributes
    for key, value in columns.items():
      setattr(self, f"col_{key}", value)

    # initialize dataframe
    self.df_source = pd.DataFrame({
      "Number": [], "Date": [], "Category": [] })

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Preparing Dataframe: Class Initialization

The subsequent methods also remain unchanged.

Result Preview

Now you can witness the reading result of the table.

❯ python 11-dataframe.py
Range  : range(2, 757)
     Number     Date    Category
0       1.0  42785.0      Orange
1       2.0  42785.0       Grape
2       3.0  42785.0  Strawberry
3       4.0  42785.0      Orange
4       5.0  42785.0       Apple
..      ...      ...         ...
750   751.0  42830.0  Strawberry
751   752.0  42830.0  Strawberry
752   753.0  42830.0       Mango
753   754.0  42830.0  Strawberry
754   755.0  42830.0      Banana

[755 rows x 3 columns]

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Preparing Dataframe: Result Preview

The source is the sheet on the left, and the result is displayed in the terminal on the right.

Building Pivot

From the resulting dataframe, we can transform the data into a pivot dataframe.

Class Diagram

Below is an improved diagram:

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Building Pivot: Class Diagram

Directory Structure

├── 12-pivot.py
└── lib
    ├── helper.py
    └── PivotReader

You can also observe the required library in the script below:

Script Skeleton

import pandas as pd

# Local Library
from lib.helper import (
  get_desktop, open_document, get_file_path)
from lib.PivotReader import PivotReader

def main() -> int:
  return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
  raise SystemExit(main())

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Building Pivot: Script Skeleton


def main() -> int:
  columns = {
    'index' : 'A',
    'date'  : 'B',
    'cat'   : 'C'

  categories = [
    "Apple", "Banana", "Dragon Fruit",
    "Durian", "Grape", "Mango",
    "Orange", "Strawberry"]

  pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 10)
  pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 5)

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Building Pivot: Main Script

  # Getting the source sheet
  file_path = get_file_path('Example.ods')
  desktop   = get_desktop()
  document  = open_document(desktop, file_path)

  if document:
    reader = PivotReader(document, 
      'Table', columns, categories)
    pivot_table = reader.get_pivot()
    # Print the newly created pivot table
    # on terminal console for monitoring
  return 0

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Building Pivot: Main Script

Class: PivotReader: Initialization

The initialization is precisely the same as in the previous script. However, the rest of the class has been enhanced, copied from the previous Python macro.

class PivotReader:
  def __init__(self,
      document  : 'com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument',
      sheetName : str,
      columns   : Dict[str, str]) -> None:

    # save initial parameter
    self.document = document
    self.sheet = self.document. \


Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Building Pivot: Class Initialization

The subsequent steps remain the same.

Result Preview

Now we can observe the pivot result.

❯ python 12-pivot.py
Range  : range(2, 757)
         Number         ...            Total Date
Category  Apple Banana  ... Strawberry      Total
42785.0       1      3  ...          4         15
42786.0       0      4  ...          2         10
42787.0       2      1  ...          3         16
42788.0       4      1  ...          5         16
42789.0       1      4  ...          3         22
...         ...    ...  ...        ...        ...
42827.0       1      1  ...          1         17
42828.0       4      0  ...          5         18
42829.0       0      2  ...          3         11
42830.0       3      1  ...          4         13
Total       114    125  ...        126        755

[47 rows x 9 columns]

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Building Pivot: Result Preview

The table source is from the sheet on the left, while the pivot result is displayed in the terminal on the right.


Now, we move on to filling cells with content from the pivot dataframe.

Class Diagram

Here’s the refined diagram:

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Sheet Writer: Class Diagram

Directory Structure

├── 13-writer.py
└── lib
    ├── helper.py
    ├── PivotReader
    └── PivotWriter13

You can also see the required library in the script below:

Script Skeleton

import pandas as pd

# Local Library
from lib.helper import (
  get_desktop, open_document, get_file_path)
from lib.PivotReader   import PivotReader
from lib.PivotWriter13 import PivotWriter

def main() -> int:

  return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
  raise SystemExit(main())

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Sheet Writer: Script Skeleton


def main() -> int:
  columns = {
    'index' : 'A',
    'date'  : 'B',
    'cat'   : 'C'

  categories = [
    "Apple", "Banana", "Dragon Fruit",
    "Durian", "Grape", "Mango",
    "Orange", "Strawberry"]

  pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 10)
  pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 5)

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Sheet Writer: Main Script

  # Getting the source sheet
  file_path = get_file_path('Example.ods')
  desktop   = get_desktop()
  document  = open_document(desktop, file_path)

  if document:

  return 0

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Sheet Writer: Main Script

Program Flow

The overall script flow can be described as follows:

  if document:
    reader = PivotReader(document,
      'Table', columns, categories)
    pivot_table = reader.get_pivot()
    # Print the newly created pivot table
    # on terminal console for monitoring
    writer = PivotWriter(document,
      'Pivot', pivot_table, categories, 'B2')

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Sheet Writer: Main Script

Class: PivotWriter: Initialization

Similar to PivotReader, for the PivotWriter, we can also copy-paste our previous Python macro, and adapt it to a Python UNO script. The only difference is in the initialization part.

This part is longer, because we add desktop and document as parameter argument.

class PivotWriter:
  def __init__(self,
      document    : 'com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument',
      sheetName   : str,
      pivot_table : pd.DataFrame,
      categories  : List[str],
      start_cell  : str) -> None:

    # save initial parameter
    self.document = document
    self.sheetName   = sheetName
    self.pivot_table = pivot_table
    self.categories  = categories
    self.start_cell  = start_cell

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Sheet Writer: Class Initialization

After obtaining this document, the rest remains the same as the macro example.

    # Get the 'Total' row as a separate variable
    self.total_row = self.pivot_table.loc['Total']

    # Exclude the 'Total' row from the DataFrame
    self.pivot_table = self.pivot_table.drop('Total')

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Sheet Writer: Class Initialization

Getting the Model

Why do I require the desktop anyway? The reason is that we need the model for various tasks, such as number formatting.

  def prepare_sheet(self):

    # activate sheet
    spreadsheetView = self.document.getCurrentController()

    # number and date format
    self.numberfmt = self.document.NumberFormats
    self.locale    = self.document.CharLocale

    self.dateFormat = self.numberfmt. \
      getStandardFormat(2, self.locale)

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Sheet Writer: Getting the Model

Result Preview

Now, we can observe the result on the sheet.

❯ python 13-writer.py
Range  : range(2, 757)
         Number         ...            Total Date
Category  Apple Banana  ... Strawberry      Total
42785.0       1      3  ...          4         15
42786.0       0      4  ...          2         10
42787.0       2      1  ...          3         16
42788.0       4      1  ...          5         16
42789.0       1      4  ...          3         22
...         ...    ...  ...        ...        ...
42827.0       1      1  ...          1         17
42828.0       4      0  ...          5         18
42829.0       0      2  ...          3         11
42830.0       3      1  ...          4         13
Total       114    125  ...        126        755

[47 rows x 9 columns]

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Sheet Writer: Result Preview

The pivot dataframe source is displayed in the terminal on the left, while the pivot sheet result is showcased in the worksheet on the right.


With a little effort, we can transform this plain pivot table into an aesthetically pleasing sheet.

Directory Structure

├── 14-deco.py
└── lib
    ├── helper.py
    ├── PivotReader
    └── PivotWriter14

You can also see the required library in the script below:

Script Skeleton

import pandas as pd

# Local Library
from lib.helper import (
  get_desktop, open_document, get_file_path)
from lib.PivotReader   import PivotReader
from lib.PivotWriter14 import PivotWriter

def main() -> int:

  return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
  raise SystemExit(main())

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Decoration: Script Skeleton


The main part remains identical to the previous script. The difference lies in the local class library.

Class: PivotWriter: Initialization

Once again, the initialization is identical to the previous script. However, the rest of the class has been enhanced by copying from its Python macro counterpart.

class PivotWriter:
  def __init__(self,
      document    : 'com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument',
      sheetName   : str,
      pivot_table : pd.DataFrame,
      categories  : List[str],
      start_cell  : str) -> None:

    # save initial parameter
    self.document = document
    self.sheetName   = sheetName
    self.pivot_table = pivot_table
    self.categories  = categories
    self.start_cell  = start_cell


Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Decoration: Class Initialization

Result Preview

Although the process remains the same as before, the result now has a polished appearance.

  Date : 19/02/2017
  Date : 20/02/2017
  Date : 21/02/2017
  Date : 03/04/2017
  Date : 04/04/2017
  Date : 05/04/2017

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Decoration: Result Preview

I have also added a date index in the terminal to monitor progress without directly inspecting the worksheet.


In the upcoming section, we are set to incorporate total columns and rows, resulting in a comprehensive pivot table built upon a plain table.

Class Diagram

The complete diagram can be visualized as shown below:

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Adding Total: Class Diagram

This illustration offers a comprehensive view of the overall structure. I’ve represented the main macro as a class. As is customary, this is a conceptual diagram that requires clarity, hence I’ve opted not to adhere strictly to standard UML diagrams.

Directory Structure

├── 15-total.py
└── lib
    ├── helper.py
    ├── PivotReader
    └── PivotWriter

You can also observe the necessary libraries in the script below:

Script Skeleton

import pandas as pd

# Local Library
from lib.helper import (
  get_desktop, open_document, get_file_path)
from lib.PivotReader import PivotReader
from lib.PivotWriter import PivotWriter

def main() -> int:

  return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
  raise SystemExit(main())

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Adding Total: Script Skeleton


The main portion remains identical to the previous script. The distinction lies in the local class library, which is already well-developed for this project.

Class: PivotWriter: Initialization

Once again, the initialization mirrors the previous script. However, the rest of the class has been refined, utilizing elements copied from its Python macro counterpart.

I won’t reiterate the details here, the class appears to be well-suited for the project. Please refer to the provided source code above for more insights.

Activity Diagram

In summary, the entire process can be visualized in the chronological order depicted below:

Pivot: Calc Macro: Total: Activity Diagram

The SVG source is available for modification to suit your needs.

Result Preview

The outcome is an expansive pivot table. I’ve also included freeze panes to allow you to explore the sheet conveniently in a reduced size.

Pivot: Calc UNO: Reader Writer: Adding Total: Result Preview

What’s the Next Leg of Our Journey 🤔?

To enrich our experience and directly apply our knowledge to real-life projects, we’ll explore different use cases.

Similar to our macro counterpart we’ll delve into reading a CSV file and subsequently writing the results to both the Table sheet and the Pivot Sheet.

Consider continuing your exploration with [ Pivot - LO UNO - CSV Reader ].