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Goal: Reader and Writer. Read data from CSV, and create both table sheet and pivot sheet.

In the final installment of our LibreOffice Macro series, we’ll delve into the process of reading data from a CSV file. This step is crucial, especially when dealing with real-world scenarios where data might be provided in a raw CSV format. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the skills to import data from a CSV file into an empty workbook, allowing you to generate both the table and pivot sheets based on the extracted dataframe.

Pivot: Dual Preview

Reader: Main Macro

In this section, we will focus on reading the data from our previously used sample-data.csv file and populating the Table worksheet with the extracted dataframe.

Class Diagram

To kick things off, let’s provide a visual representationof our simple macro:

Pivot: Calc Macro: Total: Class Diagram


The libraries required for this macro remain consistent with the previous one.

Macro Skeleton

Here’s a glimpse of the macro’s skeletal structure:

class CSVReader:

class TableWriter:

def main() -> None:

Pivot: Calc Macro: CSV Reader: Skeleton

Main Method

Since our macro operates within the LibreOffice environment, we need to specify the path to the sample data. For instance, utilizing a hardcoded path as shown below:

Once the path is established, we can proceed with the main flow of the process.

def main() -> None:
  source_path = '/home/epsi/.config/libreoffice/' \
              + '4/user/Scripts/python/Pivot/'
  source_csv  = source_path + 'sample-data.csv'

  csv_reader = CSVReader(source_csv)
  dataframe = csv_reader.dataframe

  table_writer = TableWriter(dataframe, 'Table')

Pivot: Calc Macro: CSV Reader: Main

CSV Reader

The CSVReader class remains largely unchanged, adhering to the fundamental principles ofdata modeling discussed in the earlier sections of this article series. The only notable adjustment involves the need to offset the date appropriately to align with the spreadsheet date.

Class Skeleton

While the class may appear more intricate, most alterations are the outcome of refining the previous class structure.

class CSVReader:
  def __init__(self, filename: str) -> None:

  def date_ordinal(self, value, format_source):

  def load_data(self):

  def process(self) -> None:

Pivot: Calc Macro: CSV Reader: Class Skeleton

The only processed performed during the initialization phase is the loading of data.


The initialization process is straightforward:

class CSVReader:
  def __init__(self, filename: str) -> None:

    # save initial parameter
    self.filename = filename

Pivot: Calc Macro: CSV Reader: Initialization

Offsetting Date

Due to historical considerations, spreadsheet dates do not conform to the epoch date. Consequently, we must compensate for this discrepancy by applying a date offset.

  def date_ordinal(self, value, format_source):
    # Offset of the date value
    # for the date of 1900-01-00
    offset = 693594

    date_value = datetime.strptime(
                   value, format_source)
    return date_value.toordinal() - offset

Pivot: Calc Macro: CSV Reader: Date Offset

Loading Data

The code snippet responsible for loading data from the CSV file into a dataframe is encapsulated within a try-except clause, as is customary for I/O operations.

  def load_data(self):

    except FileNotFoundError:
      print("Error: The file "\
        + f"'{self.filename}' was not found.")
    except Exception as e:
      print("An error occurred "
         + f"while loading data: {e}")

Pivot: Calc Macro: CSV Reader: Loading Data

Within the try-except block, the read_csv() function and a lambda expression are employed:

      # Load data into a DataFrame
      self.dataframe = pd.read_csv(self.filename)

      # Define the format of the original date in CSV
      format_source = '%d/%m/%Y'

      # Apply the date_ordinal function
      # to the "Date" column
      self.dataframe['Date'] = self.dataframe['Date'].\
        apply(lambda date: self.date_ordinal(
          date, format_source))


Pivot: Calc Macro: CSV Reader: Loading Data

That concludes the CSV reading process.

Result Preview

To evaluate the functionality of this CSV reader class, initiate the macro in an empty Calc worksheet. The APSO terminal will display the following result:

>>> main()
     Number   Date       Fruit
0         1  42785      Orange
1         2  42785       Grape
2         3  42785  Strawberry
3         4  42785      Orange
4         5  42785       Apple
..      ...    ...         ...
750     751  42830  Strawberry
751     752  42830  Strawberry
752     753  42830       Mango
753     754  42830  Strawberry
754     755  42830      Banana

[755 rows x 3 columns]

Pivot: Calc Macro: CSV Reader: APSO Result

The data source is now ready for utilization.

Table Writer: Main Macro

Utilizing the dataframe derived from the CSV file, we can populate the Table sheet with relevant data.

To maintain simplicity, I opt to use either an empty worksheet or any active worksheet. While it’s possible to create an instance of an empty Calc worksheet from scratch, there might be challenges with NumberFormats. Python-UNO integration may not offer direct accessto all UNO services, and managing custom number formats in Python macros could have limitations.

For ease of understanding, let’s assume we are commencing from address A1. Consequently, three columns are hardcoded:

  • A : index,
  • B : date.
  • C : fruit category

Class Skeleton

Although the class appears more intricate, most changes are the outcome of refining the previous class structure.

class TableWriter:
  def __init__(self,
      dataframe: DataFrame,
      sheetPlainName: str) -> None:

  def get_number_format(self, format_string):

  def prepare_sheet(self):

  def write_column_headers(self) -> None:

  def write_rows(self) -> None:

  def decorate_border(self) -> None:

  def process(self) -> None:

Pivot: Calc Macro: Table Writer: Class Skeleton

I’ve also introduced a get_number_format helper, to simplify the complex numbering format sequence.


The initialization process is distinct from the previous macro:

class TableWriter:
  def __init__(self,
      dataframe: DataFrame,
      sheetPlainName: str) -> None:

    # save initial parameter
    self.dataframe = dataframe
    self.sheetPlainName = sheetPlainName

Pivot: Calc Macro: Table Writer: Initialization

Format Numbering Key

This remains consistent with the approach taken in the previous article.

Prepare Sheet

The preparation of the sheet closely mirrors the methodology from the previous article.

Process Flow

The primary flow of the macro can be visualized here.

  def process(self) -> None:


Pivot: Calc Macro: Table Writer: Process Flow

Column Headers

Initiating with the column headers is straightforward and self-explanatory.

    cell = self.sheet_dst['A1']
    cell.String = 'Number'
    cell.CellBackColor = tealScale[0]

    cell = self.sheet_dst['B1']
    cell.String = 'Date'
    cell.CellBackColor = tealScale[1]

    cell = self.sheet_dst['C1']
    cell.String = 'Categories'
    cell.CellBackColor = tealScale[0]

Pivot: Calc Macro: Table Writer: Writing Header

Also, applying decorative touches:

    sCellRange = self.sheet_dst. \
    sCellRange.HoriJustify = CENTER # or just 2
    sCellRange.CharWeight = BOLD

    column = self.sheet_dst. \
      getColumns().getByIndex(4). \
      Width = 500

Pivot: Calc Macro: Table Writer: Writing Header

Row Content

Now, we iterate through each row, commencing with writing row['Number'] as the first header.

  def write_rows(self) -> None:
    for index, row in self.dataframe.iterrows():
      # Index: Number
      cell = self.sheet_dst. \
        getCellByPosition(0, index + 1)
      cell.Value = row['Number']

Pivot: Calc Macro: Table Writer: Writing Rows

Followed by the date and category

      # Date: Date
      cell = self.sheet_dst. \
        getCellByPosition(1, index + 1)
      cell.Value = row['Date']
      cell.NumberFormat = self.dateFormat

      # Categories: Fruit
      cell = self.sheet_dst. \
        getCellByPosition(2, index + 1)
      cell.String = row['Fruit']

Pivot: Calc Macro: Table Writer: Writing Rows

Decorate Border

Rather than decorating cells individually, we enhance efficiency by decorating a range of cells.

  def decorate_border(self) -> None:
    sCellRange = self.sheet_dst.getCellRangeByPosition(
      0, 1, 1, len(self.dataframe))
    sCellRange.RightBorder = self.lineFormat

    sCellRange = self.sheet_dst. \
    sCellRange.HoriJustify = CENTER # or just 2
    sCellRange.CharWeight = BOLD
    sCellRange.BottomBorder = self.lineFormat

Pivot: Calc Macro: Table Writer: Decorate Border

Result Preview

The simple resulting table can be viewed in the screenshot below:

Pivot: Calc Macro: Decoration: Result Preview

Reader and Writer

Bringing It All Together

We can seamlessly integrate the previously crafted PivotWriter class to write to the Pivot worksheet.

Class Diagram

The comprehensive diagram is visualized below:

Pivot: Calc Macro: Reader Writer: Class Diagram

Macro Skeleton

This macro incorporates three classes:

class PivotSample:

class TableWriter:

class PivotWriter:

def main() -> None:

Pivot: Calc Macro: Reader Writer: Skeleton

The PivotSample should be enhanced with add_total_column() and add_total_row(s).

Main Method

The main flow process of both reading and writing, can be depicted in the comprehensive main method below. It begins with variable setup.

def main() -> None:
  source_path = '/home/epsi/.config/libreoffice/' \
              + '4/user/Scripts/python/Pivot/'
  source_csv  = source_path + 'sample-data.csv'

  categories = [
    "Apple", "Banana", "Dragon Fruit",
    "Durian", "Grape", "Mango",
    "Orange", "Strawberry"]

Pivot: Calc Macro: Reader Writer: Main

Proceeding with the utilization of the three aforementioned classes:

  pivot_sample = PivotSample(source_csv, categories)
  dataframe   = pivot_sample.get_dataframe()
  pivot_table = pivot_sample.get_pivot()

  table_writer = TableWriter(dataframe, 'Table')

  # Print the newly created pivot table on console 

  writer = PivotWriter(
    'Pivot', pivot_table, categories, 'B2')

Pivot: Calc Macro: Reader Writer: Main

Activity Diagram

Summarizing all the processes, this chronological order is showcased:

Pivot: Calc Macro: Reader Writer: Activity Diagram

Result Preview

The results of both sheets, Table and Pivot, are displayed in the sheet tab below.

Pivot: Calc Macro: Reader Writer: Result Preview

We are done.

What Comes Next 🤔?

Instead of using Macro you can access LibreOffice from the outside using UNO. This method allows running Python scripts from the terminal without the need for APSO.

Consider continuing your exploration with [ Pivot - LO UNO - Open Instance ].