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Goal: Copy A Range of Cell Along with All Properties.

  • Using LibreOffice UNO Macro,

  • Using Faktur Pajak (Indonesian Tax) as Example,

  • This article is the first part of two articles.

Proper document handling is required, when your quiet messy company, suddenly audited by public accountant.

The macro shall be able to convert long landscape table into portrait wide paper using LibreOffice

1: The Challenge

Tidying? Don’t you have better thing to do?

Have you ever on your job met a spreadsheet with a so many table header, sooo long, that you can’t even print without additional paper?

For example this sheet below:

Worksheet: Sheet: Very Long Table Looks

And when you print the table:

Worksheet: Photo: Very Long

Actually you can translate the table looks, into form view as below, with just simple translation script.

Worksheet: Sheet: Compact Form View

The real life printed result can be seen as below:

Worksheet: Photo: Compact

It is easy, when all you have is just those two row of data as above. But how about thousands of data? You can create yourself a script. Execute, and voila, those thousand rows is already exported, into the form.

cuman orang gabut yang sempet ngerapi-rapi-in

Designing Template

Our challenge is field translation. Before we ever need to translate, we need to create a template.

All I do is just put source table, and form view, side by side. And manually moved the field one by one.

Worksheet: Source to Target Translation

This task is not as easy as I was thinking. I need to create a few design, and designing form, also takes time.

Provided Example Data

I have provided example sheets, with complete form, along with each properties. Such as different number format and so on.

You can download the artefact for simple range copying here below. Each sheet, I provide two languages. You should choose only one over another.

Worksheet Tab: Source

After macro execution you can get the example result here

Worksheet Tab: Target

Based on that mockup design above we can make a template.

Worksheet Tab: Template

Then we can continue combine with sheet with long columns, along with dummy data.

Worksheet Tab: Data

With these template and data, wen can finally get our final result, the completely filled form.

Worksheet Tab: Result

Copying Issue

Have you ever have a difficulties to copy cells range programatically?

Copying cells using libreoffice, require copying of these two attributes:

  1. Basic Attribute
  2. Row Height

2: Using Python LibreOffice Macro


The scariest part is getting started. Once it run, I can continue with good mood.

I always have this fear when I start something new, so I push myself to start code as small as possible, then suddenly my fear vanished.


LibreOffice Macro required this line below at the top.

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals

Now consider, go straight to the code. Start from simple.


There is only consist one short file required. All definition shown here:

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals

class CopyRange01:
  def __init__(self, name):
  def addressTest(self):
  def run(self):

def main():

Class Initialization

Just usual ritual, to summon holy worksheet.

Python Macro: Vim: Class Initialization

class CopyRange01:
  def __init__(self, name):
    # save initial parameter
    desktop    = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
    model      = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
    sheets     = model.getSheets()
    self.sheet = sheets.getByName(name)

Debugging in Terminal

Just to remind myself, that I can always debug in APSO terminal. By printing any object properties.

Python Macro: Vim: Debugging in Terminal

  def addressTest(self):
    c5 = self.sheet['C5']
    print("Cell C5: Type = %s, String = %s" \
        % (c5.Type.value, c5.String))

    cellRange = self.sheet.getCellRangeByName('B4:K12')
    rangeAddress = cellRange.RangeAddress

I avoid harcoded parameter, but for starting point, I can test the range properties for range B4:K12.

We will mve them to main section later.

Run: Execute

This is still very simple at the beginning.

  def run(self):

Main: Program Entry Point

All parameter defined here:

Python Macro: Vim: Main: Program Entry Point

def main():
  sample = CopyRange01('Example-en')

This is just a very simple class initialization, so I can have skeleton to write more code.


You can take a look what Macro we have written so far.

Python Macro: APSO Menu: Macro List

And open the PYthon Terminal.

Python Macro: APSO Menu: Opening Python Terminal

Python Terminal with APSO

Just type main() and enter.

Python Macro: Python Terminal: main()

APSO python console [LibreOffice]
3.10.7 (main, Sep  7 2022, 18:52:02) [GCC 12.2.0]
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> main()
Cell C5: Type = TEXT, String = The Office of Space Racoon Protection

There is nothing to be shown here. Just make sure, the APSO terminal print something.

3: Simple Range Copying

Copying Within The Sheet


class CopyRange02:
  def __init__(self, name):
  def copyRange(self, stringRange, stringAddress):
  def setPrintArea(self, stringRange):
  def setRangeHeights(self, stringRange, stringAddress):
  def run(self):

def main():

Class Initialization

Python Macro: Vim: Class Initialization

class CopyRange02:
  def __init__(self, name):
    # save initial parameter
    desktop    = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
    model      = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
    sheets     = model.getSheets()
    self.sheet = sheets.getByName(name)

Main: Program Entry Point

Our testing parameter is still in run method inside the class.

Python Macro: Vim: Main: Program Entry Point

def main():
  sample = CopyRange02('Example-en')

We will fix this later.

Copy Range

Just use the API: copyRange method.

It is a little bit tricky, even after googling stackoverflow. So I write this proper example to make it easier for us.

Python Macro: Vim: Copying Cell Range

  def copyRange(self, stringRange, stringAddress):
    sourceCellRange = self.sheet.getCellRangeByName(stringRange)
    sourceRangeAddress = sourceCellRange.RangeAddress

    targetCell = self.sheet.getCellRangeByName(stringAddress)
    targetCellAddress = targetCell.CellAddress

    self.sheet.copyRange(targetCellAddress, sourceRangeAddress)

And Run

  def run(self):
    self.copyRange('B4:K13', 'B14')

Sheet Result

Python Macro: Copy Result: English: Step One

Looks cool right, but we need to better print area.

Setting Print Area

It is always tricky when it come to UNO. Even after reading the documentation properly. What we need is example code.

Python Macro: Vim: Setting Print Area

  def setPrintArea(self, stringRange):
    cellRange = self.sheet.getCellRangeByName(stringRange)
    rangeAddress = cellRange.RangeAddress

And Run

  def run(self):
    self.copyRange('B4:K13', 'B14')

Sheet Result

Python Macro: Copy Result: English: Step Two

Can you spot something missing here? Why is it looks compressed

Yaps, the row height haven’t set properly.

Setting Row’s Height in Range

Calculating Offset

Walking for each row, assigning the same height with the original template.

Python Macro: Vim: Fix Row’s Height in Range

  def setRangeHeights(self, stringRange, stringAddress):
    cellRange = self.sheet.getCellRangeByName(stringRange)
    sourceRangeAddress = cellRange.RangeAddress
    sourceStart  = sourceRangeAddress.StartRow
    sourceEnd    = sourceRangeAddress.EndRow

    targetCell   = self.sheet.getCellRangeByName(stringAddress)
    targetStart  = targetCell.CellAddress.Row
    Offset = targetStart - sourceStart

    rows = self.sheet.getRows()
    for sourceRow in range(sourceStart, sourceEnd + 1):
      rows.getByIndex(sourceRow + Offset).Height = \

And Run

Python Macro: Vim: Run: Execute

  def run(self):
    self.copyRange('B4:K13', 'B14')
    self.setRangeHeights('B4:K13', 'B14')

Sheet Result

The result are verbatim copy, as shown in figure below:

Python Macro: Copy Result: English: Step Three

The next step, we need to prepare the class, so that the class can be utilized from other place.

4: Enhance Range Copying

Copying to Other Sheet: Source to Target


class CopyRange03:
  def __init__(self, sName, tName):
  def copySheet(self):
  def calculateOffset(self, rangeAddr, index):
  def copyRange(self, strRange, index):
  def setRangeHeights(self, strRange, index):
  def setPrintArea(self, strRange):
  def run(self, stringRange, index):

def main():

Class Initialization

We have two sheet names.

  • Source sheet, and
  • Target sheet

Worksheet Tab: Source

The initialization parameter should setup both sheet names.

Python Macro: Vim: Class Initialization

class CopyRange03:
  def __init__(self, sName, tName):
    # save initial parameter
    desktop     = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
    model       = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
    self.sheets = model.Sheets

    self.sName = sName
    self.tName = tName

Run: Execute

In order to make the class more flexible, we manage the loop logic, outside the class. So the run method only run for one index at a time.

This method also setup both sheet objects.

Python Macro: Vim: Main: Run: Execute

  def run(self, stringRange, index):
    self.sSheet = self.sheets.getByName(self.sName)
    self.tSheet = self.sheets.getByName(self.tName)

    self.copyRange(stringRange, index)
    self.setRangeHeights(stringRange, index)

Main: Program Entry Point

Here comes all the parameter argument, along with the loop logic.

Python Macro: Vim: Main: Program Entry Point

def main():
  template = CopyRange03('Example-id', 'Result-id')

  rowCount = 5
  masterIndices = range(1, rowCount + 1)
  for index in masterIndices:
    template.run('B4:K13', index)


Now, with so many method, where do we begin?

Copy Sheet

Short and Simple

This is somewhere inside the initial documentation.

Python Macro: Vim: Copy Sheet

  def copySheet(self):
      self.sName, self.tName, len(self.sheets))

Note that copySheet() call is not required in the next step, because this would be handled by other class.

This is why I do not put this method within the run method.

Calculate Offset

The heart of cell address management.

Python Macro: Vim: Calculate Offset

  def calculateOffset(self, rangeAddr, index):
    rStart  = rangeAddr.StartRow
    rEnd    = rangeAddr.EndRow

    rHeight = rEnd - rStart
    return (rHeight + 1) * (index - 1)

In this example, for every one index increment, we will have ten offset increment.

Copy Range

Just address translation

This is where we use the offset value.

Although this looks complex. This is actually just getting the right range/cell address, to be copied. And nothing more

Python Macro: Vim: Copying Cell Range

  def copyRange(self, strRange, index):
    sSheet = self.sSheet
    tSheet = self.tSheet

    sCellRange = sSheet.getCellRangeByName(strRange)
    sRangeAddr = sCellRange.RangeAddress
    srStart  = sRangeAddr.StartRow
    scStart  = sRangeAddr.StartColumn

    Offset = self.calculateOffset(sRangeAddr, index)
    tCell  = tSheet.getCellByPosition(\
      scStart, srStart + Offset)
    tCellAddr = tCell.CellAddress

    sSheet.copyRange(tCellAddr, sRangeAddr)

Setting Row’s Height in Range

Just another address translation

This is also where we use the offset value. Just transform cell address. And that’s all.

Python Macro: Vim: Fix Row’s Height in Range

  def setRangeHeights(self, strRange, index):
    sCellRange = self.sSheet.getCellRangeByName(strRange)
    sRangeAddr = sCellRange.RangeAddress
    srStart  = sRangeAddr.StartRow
    srEnd    = sRangeAddr.EndRow

    sRows  = self.sSheet.getRows()
    tRows  = self.tSheet.getRows()

    Offset = self.calculateOffset(sRangeAddr, index)

    detailIndices = range(srStart, srEnd + 1) 
    for row in detailIndices:
      tRows.getByIndex(row + Offset).Height = \

Setting Print Area

This is still simple

Python Macro: Vim: Setting Print Area

  def setPrintArea(self, strRange):
    cellRange = self.tSheet.getCellRangeByName(strRange)
    rangeAddr = cellRange.RangeAddress


With five row counts set in main().

def main():
  rowCount = 5...

The result will be:

Python Macro: Copy Result: English: Final Form

This is the final form for this class. But you don’t want all the page, to contain the same data over and over again right?

We are going to use entirely different class to handle the data. Inthe next article.

Using Other Language

You can set the language in main(), for example Indonesia.

def main():
  template = CopyRange03('Example-id', 'Result-id')

or English

def main():
  template = CopyRange03('Example-en', 'Result-en')

The result will be reflected in sheet tab name.

Worksheet Tab: Target

We are done with class.

What is Next 🤔?

After copying range of cells, now is a good time to continue to fields translation.

Consider continue reading [ LibreOffice - Macro - Transform Field ].