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Goal: Master Detail CSV Reader, Using OpenPyXL

Using Faktur Pajak (Indonesian Tax) as Example.

There will be a lot of picture here. But the code is actually simple.

And still, there is not much paragraph either.

1: Writing Master Header

Export to Spreadsheet.

It is time to use openpyxl.


Just an OOP version modification of previous code.


All definition shown here:

import ...

def split_quotes(header):

class FakturMD2Sheet:
  def __init__(self, sheet):
  def init_header_keys(self):
  def init_sheet_style(self):
  def set_column_width(self):
  def write_header(self):
  def run(self):

def main():



We need a few import statement.

Writing Header

import re
import openpyxl
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.styles import (Color,
  PatternFill, Font, Border, Alignment)
from openpyxl.utils.cell import get_column_letter

Helper: Split Quotes

And also fix comma bug at the end of the “FK” row entries.

Writing Header

def split_quotes(header):
  header = header.replace(",\n", ',""')
  header = header.replace("\n", '')

  keys = re.split(r',(?=")', header)
  keys = [key.replace('"', '') for key in keys]
  return keys

Class Initialization

We can start all in initialization.

Writing Header

# Master Detail Faktur Exporter Class
class FakturMD2Sheet:
  def __init__(self, sheet):
    # save initial parameter
    self.sheet = sheet

    # prepare header

Header Keys

And as usual, put header name definition in its own function.

Class Parser

  def init_header_keys(self):
    header_fk = \
    '"FK","Kode","Ganti","Faktur","Masa",' +\
    '"Tahun","Tanggal","NPWP","Nama","Alamat",' +\
    '"DPP","PPn","PPnBM","Keterangan","FG",' +\
    '"UM DPP","UM PPn","UM PPnBM","Referensi"'

    self.keys_fk  = split_quotes(header_fk)


A method to set required style.

Class Parser

  def init_sheet_style(self):
    self.blueFill = PatternFill(

    self.headerFont = Font(name='Arial', sz='10', bold=True)
    self.centerText = Alignment(horizontal='center')

Column Width

Displayed column width can make a difference.

Class Parser

  def set_column_width(self):
    # Column Width

    # 12.98 unit = 1
    wscd = self.sheet.column_dimensions
    wscd['A'].width =  4.0   # left empty ~0.31"
    wscd['B'].width =  4.0   # FK         ~0.31"
    wscd['C'].width =  5.2   # Kode       ~0.4"
    wscd['D'].width =  5.2   # Ganti      ~0.4"
    wscd['E'].width = 15.5   # Faktur     ~1.2"

Header Cell

Now we can iterate the header keys, and write each cell header name, followed by its style.

Class Parser

  def write_header(self):
    index = 2
    for key in self.keys_fk:
      letter  = get_column_letter(index)
      cell = self.sheet[letter + "2"]
      cell.value = key
      cell.fill  = self.blueFill
      cell.font  = self.headerFont
      cell.alignment = self.centerText

      index += 1

Run: Write, and Decorate

Gather all the function, execute the process.

Class Parser

  def run(self):


And finally make a class instance in main function.

Class Parser

def main():
  wb = Workbook()
  ws = wb.active

  md = FakturMD2Sheet(ws)

  # Save the file



There is nothing to display in output.

Class Parser: Output

Because all written in sheet.

Sheet Result

Consider to open the sample.xlsx spreadheet.

Class Parser: Sheet

2: Field Metadata

Defining Each Field Property

We jump to a more systematic approach with metadata, as based structure of each column.


Just an OOP version modification of previous code.


All definition shown here:

import ...

def split_quotes(header):

class FakturMD2Sheet:
  def __init__(self, filename, sheet):
  def init_header_keys(self):
  def init_field_metadata(self):
  def init_sheet_style(self):
  def write_header(self, fields):
  def run(self):

def main():



We need just one additional line.

Writing Header

# ...
from datetime import datetime

Class Initialization

We can start all in initialization.

Writing Header

# Master Detail Faktur Exporter Class
class FakturMD2Sheet:
  def __init__(self, filename, sheet):
    # save initial parameter
    self.sheet = sheet

    # prepare header

    # parse lines
    with open(filename) as f:
      self.lines = f.readlines()

Simple Metadata

Consider this field metadata:

  • Column Position (Cell Letter)
  • Column Width
  • Cell Data Type

Class Parser

  def init_field_metadata(self):
    self.fields_fk = {
      'FK'       : { 'col': 'B', 'width': 0.3 },
      'Kode'     : { 'col': 'C', 'width': 0.4 },
      'Ganti'    : { 'col': 'D', 'width': 0.4 },
      'Faktur'   : { 'col': 'E', 'width': 1.2, 'type': 'int' },
      'Lengkap'  : { 'col': 'F', 'width': 1.5 },
      'Masa'     : { 'col': 'G', 'width': 0.4, 'type': 'int', },
      'Tahun'    : { 'col': 'H', 'width': 0.5, 'type': 'int', },
      'Tanggal'  : { 'col': 'I', 'width': 0.8, 'type': 'date',
                     'format': 'DD-MMM-YY;@' },
      'NPWP'     : { 'col': 'J', 'width': 1.5, 'type': 'int' },
      'Nama'     : { 'col': 'K', 'width': 3.0 },
      'Alamat'   : { 'col': 'L', 'hidden': True },
      'DPP'      : { 'col': 'M', 'width': 1.4, 'type': 'money' },
      'PPn'      : { 'col': 'N', 'width': 1.4, 'type': 'money' },
      'PPnBM'    : { 'col': 'O', 'width': 0.8, 'type': 'money' },
      'Keterangan' : { 'col': 'P', 'width': 0.8 },
      'FG'       : { 'col': 'Q', 'width': 0.3 },
      'UM DPP'   : { 'col': 'R', 'width': 1.4, 'type': 'money' },
      'UM PPn'   : { 'col': 'S', 'width': 1.4, 'type': 'money' },
      'UM PPnBM' : { 'col': 'T', 'width': 0.8, 'type': 'money' },
      'Referensi': { 'col': 'U', 'width': 0.8 }


Also, just one additional line.

Class Parser

    self.centerText = Alignment(horizontal='center')

Cell Header

Now we can iterate the header keys, and write each cell header name, followed by its style. All based on respective field metadata.

Class Parser

  def write_header(self, fields):
    for key in fields:
      metadata = fields[key]
      letter = metadata['col']
      cell = self.sheet[letter + "2"]

      cell.value = key
      cell.fill  = self.blueFill
      cell.font  = self.headerFont
      cell.alignment = self.centerText

Do not forget the width and visibility.

      # take care of column width
      wscd = self.sheet.column_dimensions

      if 'width' in metadata.keys():
        wscd[letter].width = metadata['width']*12.98

      # take care of visibility
      if ('hidden' in metadata.keys()) \
      and (metadata['hidden']==True):
        wscd.hidden = True

Run: Write, and Decorate

Now the code is even shorter.

Class Parser

  def run(self):
    # write headers


And finally make a class instance in main function.

Class Parser

def main():
  filename = 'faktur-keluaran.csv'

  wb = Workbook()
  ws = wb.active

  md = FakturMD2Sheet(filename, ws)

  # Save the file



There is nothing to display in output. Because all written in sheet.

Sheet Result

Consider to open the sample.xlsx spreadsheet. This is going to be very wide sheet. So I took three screenshots.

Class Parser: Sheet

Class Parser: Sheet

Class Parser: Sheet

3: Writing Entries

Process Master Entries

This is the same with previous code, but with entries.


Just an OOP version modification of previous code.

Class Initialization

The same with previous. But with filename, so we can parse each lines later.

Writing Header

# Master Detail Faktur Exporter Class
class FakturMD2Sheet:
  def __init__(self, filename, sheet):
    # save initial parameter
    self.filename = filename
    self.sheet = sheet

    # prepare header

Cell Content

Just like header, we can can iterate the content, and write each cell value. All based on type, defined in field metadata.

Class Parser

  def write_entry(self, row, fields, keys, values):
    pairs = dict(zip(keys, values))

    for field_key in fields:
      metadata = fields[field_key]

      letter = metadata['col']
      cell = self.sheet[letter + str(row)]
      cell.font  = self.normalFont

We can display the progress to the console.

      # display progress
      if (values[0]=='FK') and (field_key == 'Nama'):

And take care of the value.

      # take care of value
      if field_key in keys:
        value = pairs[field_key]

        if 'type' in metadata.keys():
          match metadata['type']:
            case 'int'  : cell.value = int(value)
            case 'float': cell.value = float(value)
            case 'money': cell.value = float(value)
            case 'date' : cell.value = \
              datetime.strptime(value, "%d/%m/%Y")
        else: cell.value = value

Run: Write, and Decorate

Writing entries, takes an effort, and a bunch of codelines.

Class Parser

First, read the file.

  def run(self):
    # write headers

    # parse lines
    with open(self.filename) as f:
      lines = f.readlines()

Then iterate each lines.

    # write entries
    row = 2

    for line in lines:
      row += 1

      # ignore top headers
      if (row>5):
        values = split_quotes(line)

        if values[0]=="FK":
            row, self.fields_fk, self.keys_fk, values)

The rest are the same.


We display a few in output, so we know what master filed are processed.

Class Parser: Output

But the real result, are all written in spreadsheet.

Sheet Result

How about the output?

Consider to open the sample.xlsx spreadsheet. This is going to be very wide sheet. So I took three screenshots.

Class Parser: Sheet

Class Parser: Sheet

Class Parser: Sheet

4: Writing Master Detail Entries

Process All Three Kind of Headers, with Formatting

This is the same as previous code, but with details.


Just an OOP version modification of previous code.

Header Keys

Put header name definition in its own function.

Class Parser

  def init_header_keys(self):
    header_fk  = \
      '"FK","Kode","Ganti","Faktur","Masa",' + \
      '"Tahun","Tanggal","NPWP","Nama","Alamat",' + \
      '"DPP","PPn","PPnBM","Keterangan","FG",' + \
      '"UM DPP","UM PPn","UM PPnBM","Referensi"'

    header_fapr = \
      '"LT","Nama","Alamat","Perekam",' +\

    header_of  = \
      '"OF","Kode","Nama","Satuan","Jumlah",' +\

    self.keys_fk   = split_quotes(header_fk)
    self.keys_fapr = split_quotes(header_fapr)
    self.keys_of   = split_quotes(header_of)

And extract.

Field Metadata

Add some cool format.

Class Parser

  def init_field_metadata(self):
    self.fields_fk = {
      'FK'       : { 'col': 'B', 'width': 0.3 },
      'Kode'     : { 'col': 'C', 'width': 0.4 },
      'Ganti'    : { 'col': 'D', 'width': 0.4 },
      'Faktur'   : { 'col': 'E', 'width': 1.2, 'type': 'int' },
      'Lengkap'  : { 'col': 'F', 'width': 1.5 },
      'Masa'     : { 'col': 'G', 'width': 0.4, 'type': 'int', },
      'Tahun'    : { 'col': 'H', 'width': 0.5, 'type': 'int', },
      'Tanggal'  : { 'col': 'I', 'width': 0.8, 'type': 'date',
                     'format': 'DD-MMM-YY;@' },
      'NPWP'     : { 'col': 'J', 'width': 1.5, 'type': 'int' },
      'Nama'     : { 'col': 'K', 'width': 3.0 },
      'Alamat'   : { 'col': 'L', 'hidden': True },
      'DPP'      : { 'col': 'M', 'width': 1.4, 'type': 'money' },
      'PPn'      : { 'col': 'N', 'width': 1.4, 'type': 'money' },
      'PPnBM'    : { 'col': 'O', 'width': 0.8, 'type': 'money' },
      'Keterangan' : { 'col': 'P', 'width': 0.8 },
      'FG'       : { 'col': 'Q', 'width': 0.3 },
      'UM DPP'   : { 'col': 'R', 'width': 1.4, 'type': 'money' },
      'UM PPn'   : { 'col': 'S', 'width': 1.4, 'type': 'money' },
      'UM PPnBM' : { 'col': 'T', 'width': 0.8, 'type': 'money' },
      'Referensi': { 'col': 'U', 'width': 0.8 }

And also complete field metadata for other row as well.

Class Parser

    self.fields_fapr = {
      'LT'       : { 'col': 'W',  'width': 0.4 },
      'Nama'     : { 'col': 'X',  'width': 2.0 },
      'Alamat'   : { 'col': 'Y',  'hidden': True },
      'Perekam'  : { 'col': 'Z',  'width': 1.0 },
      'Wilayah'  : { 'col': 'AA', 'width': 1.4 },
      'Timestamp': { 'col': 'AB', 'width': 0.8, 'type': 'date',
                       'format': 'DD-MMM-YY;@' }

and finally

    self.fields_of = {
      'OF'     : { 'col': 'AD',  'width': 0.3 },
      'Kode'   : { 'col': 'AE',  'width': 0.4 },
      'Nama'   : { 'col': 'AF',  'width': 1.5 },
      'Satuan' : { 'col': 'AG',  'width': 1.4, 'type': 'money' },
      'Jumlah' : { 'col': 'AH',  'width': 0.6, 'type': 'float' },
      'Total'  : { 'col': 'AI',  'width': 1.4, 'type': 'money' },
      'Diskon' : { 'col': 'AJ',  'width': 0.8, 'type': 'money' },
      'DPP'    : { 'col': 'AK',  'width': 1.4, 'type': 'money' },
      'PPn'    : { 'col': 'AL',  'width': 1.4, 'type': 'money' },
      'Tarif'  : { 'col': 'AM',  'width': 0.8, 'type': 'float' },
      'PPnBM'  : { 'col': 'AN',  'width': 0.8, 'type': 'money' },

Cell Divider

What is not stored in metadata, can also be taken care of.

Class Parser

  def set_divider_width(self):
    # 12.98 unit = 1
    wscd = self.sheet.column_dimensions
    wscd['A'].width  =  4.0      # left empty ~0.31"
    wscd['V'].width  =  4.0      # empty      ~0.31"
    wscd['AC'].width =  4.0      # empty      ~0.31"

Cell Content

Consider go deeper into detail

Class Parser

  def write_entry(self, row, fields, keys, values):
    pairs = dict(zip(keys, values))

    for field_key in fields:
      metadata = fields[field_key]

      letter = metadata['col']
      cell = self.sheet[letter + str(row)]
      cell.font  = self.normalFont

      # display progress
      if (values[0]=='FK') and (field_key == 'Nama'):

And take care of the value.

I know it is a little bit messy here, since we use field name, mixed with metadata.

      # take care of value
      if field_key in keys:
        value = pairs[field_key]

        if 'type' in metadata.keys():
          match metadata['type']:
            case 'int'  : cell.value = int(value)
            case 'float': cell.value = float(value)
            case 'money': cell.value = float(value)
            case 'date' :
              if field_key=='Tanggal': cell.value = \
                  datetime.strptime(value, "%d/%m/%Y")
              if field_key=='Timestamp':
                if len(value) > 8: cell.value = \
                  datetime.strptime(value[0:8], "%Y%m%d")
        else: cell.value = value
      elif field_key=='Lengkap':
        faktur = "%013s" % pairs["Faktur"]
        faktur = faktur[:3] +'-'+ faktur[3:5] +'.'+ faktur[5:]
        cell.value = pairs["Kode"]+pairs["Ganti"]+"."+faktur

And finally cell formatting:

      # take care of format
      if 'format' in metadata.keys():
        cell.number_format = metadata['format']
      elif ('type' in metadata.keys()) \
      and (metadata['type']=='money'):
        # beware of the comma or period, depend on locale
        cell.number_format = '" Rp"* #,##0.00 ;' + \
            '"-Rp"* #,##0.00 ;" Rp"* -# ;@ '

Run: Write, and Decorate

Writing entries, takes an effort, and a bunch of codelines.

Class Parser

First, read the file. Write all there kind of headers.

  def run(self):
    # write headers

    # parse lines
    with open(self.filename) as f:
      lines = f.readlines()

Then iterate each lines.

Class Parser

    # write entries
    row = 5

    # ignore top headers
    for line in lines[3:]:
      row += 1

      values = split_quotes(line)

      match values[0]:
        case "FK"  : self.write_entry (
            row, self.fields_fk,   self.keys_fk,   values)
        case "FAPR": self.write_entry (
            row, self.fields_fapr, self.keys_fapr, values)
        case "OF"  : self.write_entry (
            row, self.fields_of,   self.keys_of,   values)

The rest are the same.


We display a few in output, so we know what master filed are processed.

Class Parser: Output

But the real result, are all written in spreadsheet.

Sheet Result

How about the output?

Consider to open the sample.xlsx spreadsheet.

This is going to be very wide sheet. So I took five screenshots.

Class Parser: Sheet

Class Parser: Sheet

Class Parser: Sheet

Class Parser: Sheet

This master detail table is shown clear if we just hide some field.

Class Parser: Sheet

As you can see, now you have master detail table.

Related Article

Optionally, you can read the libreoffice uno part.

What is Next 🤔?

Still about tax, I have a cool trick to transform plain row based data into cute form view.

Consider continue reading [ Python - Excel - Copy Range ].