Goal: Extract worksheet from one xlsx into multiple xlxs.
The reverse of previous process is easier.
Example Data
What case do I need to work with? Yeps, still my last annual accounting report workbook.
- Balance Sheet, monthly from January until December
- Profit Loss, monthly from January until December
Sheet Naming
I name my balance sheet as BS-01
and profit loss sheet as ‘PL-01`.
You can see them all in this sheet tabs:
You can see all the sheet name in sheets tab.
File Naming
Let’s extract some sheet
The expected result is similar to this folder below:
How does it works.
Loop in a loop.
The outer loop, we query the sheet name. Each item defined by its index.
The Inner loop, we walk for each sheet. Remove unused sheet, and keep sheet with the right index.
The same as previous.
1: Query Sheet
Very similar with previous script.
But we need index
to identify which sheet to export.
import openpyxl
from openpyxl import load_workbook
wb = load_workbook('monthly.xlsx')
total = len(wb.worksheets)
print("Total %d sheet(s)." % total)
for index, sheet in enumerate(wb.worksheets, start=1):
print("%2d: %s" % (index, sheet.title))
The result is as simply as below:
Total 24 sheet(s).
1: 01-BS
2: 01-PL
3: 02-BS
4: 02-PL
5: 03-BS
6: 03-PL
7: 04-BS
8: 04-PL
9: 05-BS
10: 05-PL
11: 06-BS
12: 06-PL
13: 07-BS
14: 07-PL
15: 08-BS
16: 08-PL
17: 09-BS
18: 09-PL
19: 10-BS
20: 10-PL
21: 11-BS
22: 11-PL
23: 12-BS
24: 12-PL
2: Extract One
Prepare Directory
First we need to prepare directory.
import os
import openpyxl
from openpyxl import load_workbook
loadname = 'monthly.xlsx'
noext = os.path.splitext(loadname)[0]
except OSError as error:
Execute the Inner Loop
For testing we use the second sheet.
Here we use hardcoded if index_loop == 2:
wb_loop = load_workbook(loadname)
savename = ""
for index_loop, sheet_loop in enumerate(
wb_loop.worksheets, start=1):
if index_loop == 2:
print("Keep %2d: %s" % (index_loop, sheet_loop.title))
savename = "%s.xlsx" % sheet_loop.title
And finally save the sheet.
# Save the file
if savename:"./%s/%s" % (noext, savename))
print("%s saved" % savename)
print("No sheet saved")
The result is as simply as below:
Keep 2: 01-PL
01-PL.xlsx saved
The sheet
Also check the file.
there should be only one sheet inside file 01-PL.xlsx
3: Extract All sheet
Very similar with previous script, but using loop in a loop.
Prepare Directory
The same as previous.
Prepare Outer Loop
Using main workbook.
wb_main = load_workbook(loadname)
total = len(wb_main.worksheets)
print("Total %d sheet(s)." % total)
Execute the Outer Loop
This also prepare the inner loop.
for index_main, sheet_main in enumerate(
wb_main.worksheets, start=1):
wb_loop = load_workbook(loadname)
savename = ""
Execute the Inner Loop for Each Sheet
This is executed inside the outer loop (wb.main
For real script we compare the index
if index_loop == index_main:
for index_loop, sheet_loop in enumerate(
wb_loop.worksheets, start=1):
if index_loop == index_main:
print("Keep %2d: %s" % (index_loop, sheet_loop.title))
savename = "%s.xlsx" % sheet_loop.title
Save Each Sheet
This also is executed inside the outer loop (wb.main
And finally save the sheet.
# Save the file
if savename:"./%s/%s" % (noext, savename))
print("%s saved" % savename)
print("No sheet saved")
The result is rather long:
Total 24 sheet(s).
Keep 1: 01-BS
01-BS.xlsx saved
Keep 2: 01-PL
01-PL.xlsx saved
Keep 3: 02-BS
02-BS.xlsx saved
Keep 4: 02-PL
02-PL.xlsx saved
Keep 5: 03-BS
The sheet
Also check the file. There should be many sheet inside the folder.
With each file consist only one sheet only.
What is Next 🤔?
We have done with merging. How about extracting?
Consider continue reading [ Python - Excel - Extract Sheets ].