Where to Discuss?

Local Group


Goal: Extract worksheet from one xlsx into multiple xlxs.

The reverse of previous process is easier.

Example Data

What case do I need to work with? Yeps, still my last annual accounting report workbook.

  • Balance Sheet, monthly from January until December
  • Profit Loss, monthly from January until December

Sheet Naming

I name my balance sheet as BS-01, and profit loss sheet as ‘PL-01`. You can see them all in this sheet tabs:

openpyxl: Sheets Tab Result

You can see all the sheet name in sheets tab.

File Naming

Let’s extract some sheet

The expected result is similar to this folder below:

openpyxl: Monthly Accounting Report

How does it works.

Loop in a loop.

  • The outer loop, we query the sheet name. Each item defined by its index.

  • The Inner loop, we walk for each sheet. Remove unused sheet, and keep sheet with the right index.


The same as previous.

1: Query Sheet


Very similar with previous script. But we need index to identify which sheet to export.

import openpyxl
from openpyxl import load_workbook

wb = load_workbook('monthly.xlsx')

total = len(wb.worksheets)
print("Total %d sheet(s)." % total)

for index, sheet in enumerate(wb.worksheets, start=1):
  print("%2d: %s" % (index, sheet.title))

ViM: opexpyxl: Query Sheets


The result is as simply as below:

Total 24 sheet(s).
 1: 01-BS
 2: 01-PL
 3: 02-BS
 4: 02-PL
 5: 03-BS
 6: 03-PL
 7: 04-BS
 8: 04-PL
 9: 05-BS
10: 05-PL
11: 06-BS
12: 06-PL
13: 07-BS
14: 07-PL
15: 08-BS
16: 08-PL
17: 09-BS
18: 09-PL
19: 10-BS
20: 10-PL
21: 11-BS
22: 11-PL
23: 12-BS
24: 12-PL

2: Extract One

Prepare Directory

First we need to prepare directory.

import os
import openpyxl
from openpyxl import load_workbook

loadname = 'monthly.xlsx'
noext = os.path.splitext(loadname)[0]

except OSError as error:

Execute the Inner Loop

For testing we use the second sheet. Here we use hardcoded if index_loop == 2:

wb_loop = load_workbook(loadname)
savename = ""

for index_loop, sheet_loop in enumerate(
  wb_loop.worksheets, start=1):

  if index_loop == 2:
    print("Keep %2d: %s" % (index_loop, sheet_loop.title))
    savename = "%s.xlsx" % sheet_loop.title


And finally save the sheet.

# Save the file
if savename:
  wb_loop.save("./%s/%s" % (noext, savename))
  print("%s saved" % savename)
  print("No sheet saved")


The result is as simply as below:

Keep  2: 01-PL
01-PL.xlsx saved

ViM: opexpyxl: Extract One Sheet

The sheet

Also check the file. there should be only one sheet inside file 01-PL.xlsx

openpyxl: extract one file

3: Extract All sheet

Very similar with previous script, but using loop in a loop.

Prepare Directory

The same as previous.

Prepare Outer Loop

Using main workbook.

wb_main = load_workbook(loadname)

total = len(wb_main.worksheets)
print("Total %d sheet(s)." % total)

Execute the Outer Loop

This also prepare the inner loop.

for index_main, sheet_main in enumerate(
  wb_main.worksheets, start=1):

  wb_loop = load_workbook(loadname)
  savename = ""

Execute the Inner Loop for Each Sheet

This is executed inside the outer loop (wb.main).

For real script we compare the index if index_loop == index_main:

  for index_loop, sheet_loop in enumerate(
    wb_loop.worksheets, start=1):

    if index_loop == index_main:
      print("Keep %2d: %s" % (index_loop, sheet_loop.title))
      savename = "%s.xlsx" % sheet_loop.title

Save Each Sheet

This also is executed inside the outer loop (wb.main).

And finally save the sheet.

  # Save the file
  if savename:
    wb_loop.save("./%s/%s" % (noext, savename))
    print("%s saved" % savename)
    print("No sheet saved")


The result is rather long:

Total 24 sheet(s).
Keep  1: 01-BS
01-BS.xlsx saved
Keep  2: 01-PL
01-PL.xlsx saved
Keep  3: 02-BS
02-BS.xlsx saved
Keep  4: 02-PL
02-PL.xlsx saved
Keep  5: 03-BS

ViM: opexpyxl: Extract All Sheets

The sheet

Also check the file. There should be many sheet inside the folder.

openpyxl: Monthly Accounting Report

With each file consist only one sheet only.

What is Next 🤔?

We have done with merging. How about extracting?

Consider continue reading [ Python - Excel - Extract Sheets ].