Article Series

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Playing with Records Related Articles.

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Goal: A practical case to collect unique record fields using Erlang.

I decide to go further with Erlang. And I don’t even know why 😜.

Reference Reading

Source Examples

You can obtain source examples here:

Common Use Case

Task: Get the unique tag string

Please read overview for more detail.

Prepopulated Data

Songs and Poetry

-record(song,  { title, tags = [] }).

songs() -> [
  #song{ title = "Cantaloupe Island",
         tags  = ["60s", "jazz"] },
  #song{ title = "Let It Be",
         tags  = ["60s", "rock"] },
  #song{ title = "Knockin' on Heaven's Door",
         tags  = ["70s", "rock"] },
  #song{ title = "Emotion",
         tags  = ["70s", "pop"] },
  #song{ title = "The River"}

Erlang Solution

The Answer

There might be many ways to do things in Erlang. One of them is this oneliner as below:

unique(List) -> sets:to_list(sets:from_list(List)).

show() ->
  Songs = songs(),
  Tags = [ Head#song.tags || Head <- Songs ],
  io:fwrite("~60p~n", [unique(append(Tags))]).

Of course there are hidden details beneath each functions. I will discuss about this step by step.

Enough with introduction, at this point we should go straight to coding.


Just the erlang shell.

1: Basic Data

Variable, Function and Constant

There three ways to represent data in erlang:

  1. As variable,
  2. By function,
  3. As constant.

List is the bread and butter of functional programming. Before building a complex records, I begin with simple datatype, the list.

Data as Variable

This is the most commonly used. The scope is inside the show() function.


show() ->
  Tags = ["rock", "jazz", "rock", "pop", "pop"],
  io:fwrite("~60p~n", [Tags]).

With the result as below list (not array):

$ erl
Erlang/OTP 23 [erts-11.1.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [ds:2:2:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe]

Eshell V11.1.3  (abort with ^G)
1> c(01_list).
* 1: syntax error before: _list
1> c(t01_list).
2> t01_list:show().

Erlang: Simple List of Tags

Data by Function

This is useful, when you need wider scope in module.


tags() -> ["rock", "jazz", "rock", "pop", "pop"].

show() ->
  io:fwrite("~60p~n", [tags()]).

With the same result as above result, shown in below:

4> c(t02_func).
5> t02_func:show().

Data as Constant

This is useful, when you need wider scope in module.


-define(Tags, ["rock", "jazz", "rock", "pop", "pop"]).

show() ->
  io:fwrite("~60p~n", [?Tags]).

With the same result as above result.

No need to be shown again.

Custom Pretty Print

This io.fwrite is powerful.

  io:fwrite("~60p~n", [?Tags]).

The pretty print can be read fro official documentation:

2: Accessing Element

There at least two ways to access list element:

  1. Recursive Function
  2. List Comprehension

Recursive Function


print_each([]) -> ok;
print_each([Head|Tail]) ->
  io:fwrite("~60p~n", [Head]),

show() ->
  Tags = ["rock", "jazz", "rock", "pop", "pop"],

With the result similar as below string:

6> c(t04_element).
7> t04_element:show().

List Comprehension


show() ->
  Tags = ["rock", "jazz", "rock", "pop", "pop"],
  [io:fwrite("~60p~n", [Head]) || Head <- Tags].

With the result similar as below string:

9> c(t05_element).    
10> t05_element:show().

Erlang: Accessing Element

3: Data Structure

We can continue our journey to records.

The Song Record

Writing record require -record declaration.


-record(song, { title, tags = [] }).

show() ->
  Song = #song{
    title = "Cantaloupe Island",
    tags  = ["60s", "jazz"]
  io:fwrite("~60p~n", [Song#song.tags]).

With the result similar as below string:

11> c(t06_rec).
12> t06_rec:show().

Default Value

Instead of using nullability option approach like OCaml, or Maybe monad approach just like Haskell, Erlang simply use default value.

-record(song, { title, tags = [] }).

List of Song Records


-record(song,  { title, tags = [] }).

show() ->
  Songs = [
    #song{ title = "Cantaloupe Island",
           tags  = ["60s", "jazz"] },
    #song{ title = "Let It Be",
           tags  = ["60s", "rock"] },
    #song{ title = "Knockin' on Heaven's Door",
           tags  = ["70s", "rock"] },
    #song{ title = "Emotion",
           tags  = ["70s", "pop"] },
    #song{ title = "The River"}
  [ io:fwrite("~60p~n", [Head#song.tags])
    || Head <- Songs

With the result similar as below string:

13> c(t07_songs).
14> t07_songs:show().

Erlang: Accessing Element

4: Exporting Record

Since we need to reuse the songs record multiple times, it is a good idea to separate the data from logic. In order to use this we require two files:

  1. Header File.
  2. Module File.

And of course the main file contain the logic.

Header File

The header file can be shown as below:

-record(song,  { title, tags = [] }).

Module File

The module file can be shown as below:


songs() -> [
  #song{ title = "Cantaloupe Island",
         tags  = ["60s", "jazz"] },
  #song{ title = "Let It Be",
         tags  = ["60s", "rock"] },
  #song{ title = "Knockin' on Heaven's Door",
         tags  = ["70s", "rock"] },
  #song{ title = "Emotion",
         tags  = ["70s", "pop"] },
  #song{ title = "The River"}

Do not forget to include the header file.


Erlang: The Song Header and Module

In order to use the songs module, we need to compile the module first.

17> c(my_songs).

Importing Records from Module

The logic file can be shown as below. Also do not forget to include the header file.

-import(my_songs, [songs/0]).

show() ->
  Songs = songs(),
  Tags = [ Head#song.tags || Head <- Songs ],
  io:fwrite("~60p~n", [Tags]).

With the result similar as below:

17> c(my_songs).
18> c(t08_import).
19> t08_import:show().

Erlang: Importing Records from Module

Now we have a shorter code.

5: Finishing The Task

Flatten and Unique

As usual we need this two subtask:

  1. Flatten.
  2. Unique (Distinct).


We can simply apply standard append function to flatten the list.

-import(my_songs, [songs/0]).
-import(lists, [append/1]).

show() ->
  Songs = songs(),
  Tags = [ Head#song.tags || Head <- Songs ],
  io:fwrite("~60p~n", [append(Tags)]).

With the result similar as below:

20> c(t09_flatten).   
21> t09_flatten:show().

Unique (Distinct)

And for unique, we just need to pass the list into sets, and convert back into a list. All with standard function.

-import(my_songs, [songs/0]).
-import(lists, [append/1]).
-import(set, [from_list/1, to_list/1]).

unique(List) -> sets:to_list(sets:from_list(List)).

show() ->
  Songs = songs(),
  Tags = [ Head#song.tags || Head <- Songs ],
  io:fwrite("~60p~n", [unique(append(Tags))]).

With the result similar as below:

22> c(t10_unique).     
23> t10_unique:show().       

Erlang: Flatten and Unique (Distinct)

6: Concurrency with Process

Erlang can handle concurrency, with Sender and Receiver model.


Custom Flatten: Nested Function

In order to make a Sender demo, I need to make custom handmade flatten function.

flatten_inner([]) -> ok;
flatten_inner([Head|Tail]) ->
  io:fwrite("~p ", [Head]),

flatten([]) -> ok;
flatten([Head|Tail]) ->

show() ->
  Songs = songs(),

With the result similar as below vector:

69> c(t11_iterate).
70> t11_iterate:show().
"60s" "jazz" "60s" "rock" "70s" "rock" "70s" "pop" 

Custom Flatten: Nested For Loop

However, we can rewrite the nested function above in imperative style. This nested loop below is considered simpler to be understood.

flatten(Songs) ->
  foreach(fun(S) ->
      foreach(fun(T) ->
        io:fwrite("~p ", [T])
      end, S#song.tags)
    end, Songs).

This is simply flatten using all tags from all songs records, using nested for loop.

This way we can send the result to a Sender channel, instead of directly pushing the result to vector.

The Skeleton

We should be ready for the real demo. This is only consist of one short file.

walk() -> …

flatten(PID) -> …

show() -> …
  1. flatten()

    • a Sender that send to spawned pid,
  2. walk()

    • a Receiver that receive from spawned pid.
  3. show()

    • Program entry point

Do not forget to give sufficient top declaration.

-import(my_songs, [songs/0]).
-import(lists, [foreach/2]).
-import(lists, [append/2]).
-export([show/0, walk/0, flatten/1]).


The flatten function is pushing new tag to process.

  flatten(PID) ->
  Songs = songs(),
  foreach(fun(S) ->
      foreach(fun(T) ->
        PID ! {"tags", T}
      end, S#song.tags)
    end, Songs),
  PID ! quit.

We would gather all process later to form a new tags list.


The walk is a recursive function, consist of two forms with different arity:

  • walk/0, and
  • walk/1.
walk() -> walk([]).

walk(Tags) ->
    {"tags", T} ->
      walk([T] ++ Tags);
    quit ->
      io:fwrite("~60p~n", [Tags])

Erlang: Concurreny with Process: Sender and Receiver

Running Both Process

Pretty short right!

Consider gather both function in show() entry point.

show() ->
  PID = spawn(t13_process, walk, []),
  spawn(t13_process, flatten, [PID]),

With the result as below array:

66> c(t13_process).    
67> t13_process:show().

Erlang: Concurreny with Process: Sender and Receiver

This is the end of our Erlang journey in this article. We shall meet again in other article.

What is Next 🤔?

Consider continue reading [ Elixir - Playing with Records ].