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This article series discuss more than 30 different programming languages. Please read overview before you read any of the details.

Playing with Records Related Articles.

Where to Discuss?

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Goal: A practical case to collect unique record fields using F#.

According to wikipedia, F# originates from Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK.

Reference Reading

Source Examples

You can obtain source examples here:

Common Use Case

Task: Get the unique tag string

Please read overview for more detail.

Prepopulated Data

Songs and Poetry

module MySongs

type MyTags = List<string>
type MySong = { Title: string; Tags: Option<MyTags> }

let songs : List<MySong> = [
  { Title = "Cantaloupe Island";
    Tags  = Some ["60s"; "jazz"]};
  { Title = "Let It Be";
    Tags  = Some ["60s"; "rock"]};
  { Title = "Knockin' on Heaven's Door";
    Tags  = Some ["70s"; "rock"]};
  { Title = "Emotion";
    Tags  = Some ["70s"; "pop"]};
  { Title = "The River";
    Tags  = Some []};

F# Solution

The Answer

There might be many ways to do things in F#. One of them is this oneliner as below:

  |> mapTagss
  |> List.concat 
  |> List.distinct
  |> fun (tags) ->
     "[" + (tags |> String.concat ", ") + "]"
  |> Console.WriteLine

Of course there are hidden details beneath each functions. I will discuss about this step by step.

Enough with introduction, at this point we should go straight to coding.


The dotnet run well in linux.

1: Data Type

Before building a complex records, I begin with simple datatype.

Using List.

There are a some useful data type in F#. List is comfortable to work with.

My first attempt is copy from previous OCaml code, then paste to F#

let tags: List<string> =
  ["rock"; "jazz"; "rock"; "pop"; "pop"]

let () = List.iter (printf "%s, ") tags

Or you can utilize mutable as below:

let mutable tags: List<string> = []
tags <- ["rock"; "jazz"; "rock"; "pop"; "pop"]

With the result as below array (not list):

$ dotnet fsi 01-tags.fsx
rock, jazz, rock, pop, pop, %

This output doesn’t even end with \n endline.

Custom Pretty Print

Since we need nice output through put this article. I create a helper join_str function, to make a custom pretty print.

let tags: List<string> =
  ["rock"; "jazz"; "rock"; "pop"; "pop"]

let joinStr : string =
  "[" + (tags |> String.concat ", ") + "]"

let joinStr2: string =
  "[" + (tags
        |> List.reduce (fun acc tag ->
           acc + ", " + tag)
  ) + "]"

printfn "%s" joinStr2

With the result as below list:

$ dotnet fsi 02-assign.fsx
[rock, jazz, rock, pop, pop]

Using Console.WriteLine

Built-in Object Dump

It turned out that F# has capability, to dump variable into the console.

open System

let tags: List<string> =
  ["rock"; "jazz"; "rock"; "pop"; "pop"] 
  |> List.distinct

Console.WriteLine tags

With the result as below list:

$ dotnet fsi 02-console.fsx
[rock; jazz; pop]

We will use Console.WriteLine throughout this article.

.NET F#: Using Console.WriteLine

2: Data Structure

Meet The Songs Record

From just karaoke, we can go pro with recording studio.

From simple data, we can build a structure to solve our task.

Type Alias

We can use user defined type to define a record:

open System

type MyTags = List<string>
type MySong = { Title: string; Tags: MyTags }

let song : MySong = {
  Title = "Cantaloupe Island";
  Tags  = ["60s"; "jazz"]

Console.WriteLine song.Tags

With the result as below list:

$ dotnet fsi 03-type.fsx
[60s; jazz]

Wrapping in Options for Nullability

I also add option so tags can accept None value, instead of just empty list.

type MySong = { Title: string; Tags: Option<MyTags> }

The complete code is as below:

open System

type MyTags = List<string>
type MySong = { Title: string; Tags: Option<MyTags> }

let song : MySong = {
  Title = "Cantaloupe Island";
  Tags  = ["60s"; "jazz"] |> Some

let unwrap myOption: MyTags = 
   match myOption with 
   | Some x -> x
   | None -> []

song.Tags |> Console.WriteLine

With the result as below list:

$ dotnet fsi 04-type-option.fsx
Some([60s; jazz])

We need, a not too simple, case example. This is why we have this Some […].

For unwrapping, we can utilize this code below:

let unwrap myOption: MyTags = 
   match myOption with 
   | Some x -> x
   | None -> []

Almost the same with OCaml counterpart.

Record in F#

It is easy to arrange a bunch of record in a list. Compared to other programming language it is a matter of syntax. The only adaptation we need is, F# utilize ; instead of ,.

Since we are going to reuse the songs records multiple times, consider to make a new file, named, with complete code as below:

module MySongs

type MyTags = List<string>
type MySong = { Title: string; Tags: Option<MyTags> }

let songs : List<MySong> = [
  { Title = "Cantaloupe Island";
    Tags  = Some ["60s"; "jazz"]};
  { Title = "Let It Be";
    Tags  = Some ["60s"; "rock"]};
  { Title = "Knockin' on Heaven's Door";
    Tags  = Some ["70s"; "rock"]};
  { Title = "Emotion";
    Tags  = Some ["70s"; "pop"]};
  { Title = "The River";
    Tags  = None};

.NET F#: Song Data Structure in Separate File

Using Songs File

At this point we can utilize the separate file above, as shown in this very simple script below:

open System
#load "MySongs.fsx"

let unwrap myOption: MySongs.MyTags = 
   match myOption with 
   | Some x -> x
   | None -> []

for song in MySongs.songs do
     |> unwrap
     |> Console.WriteLine

With the result similar as below sequential lines of list:

$ dotnet fsi 05-module.fsx
[60s; jazz]
[60s; rock]
[70s; rock]
[70s; pop]

.NET F#: Using Songs File

3: Finishing The Task

Map, Flatten, Unique


Instead of unwrap in for-loop, we can prepare the data im the first place by using

open System
#load "MySongs.fsx"

let unwrap myOption: MySongs.MyTags = 
   match myOption with 
   | Some x -> x
   | None -> []

let mapTagss songs: List<MySongs.MyTags> =
    songs |> (
      fun (song: MySongs.MySong) ->
          (song.Tags |> unwrap )

for tags in (MySongs.songs |> mapTagss) do
    tags |> Console.WriteLine

With the result similar as below sequential lines of list:

$ dotnet fsi 06-map.fsx
[60s; jazz]
[60s; rock]
[70s; rock]
[70s; pop]


We can use List.concat to flatten the list of list.

  |> mapTagss
  |> List.concat 
  |> fun (tags) ->
     "[" + (tags |> String.concat ", ") + "]"
  |> Console.WriteLine

With the result similar as below list:

$ dotnet fsi 07-flatten.fsx
[60s, jazz, 60s, rock, 70s, rock, 70s, pop]


Finally Oneliner

And finally produce the unique value using List.distinct.

  |> mapTagss
  |> List.concat 
  |> List.distinct
  |> fun (tags) ->
     "[" + (tags |> String.concat ", ") + "]"
  |> Console.WriteLine

With the result similar as below list:

$ dotnet fsi 08-unique.fsx
[60s, jazz, rock, 70s, pop]

This F# syntax fashion in writing code is very cool.

.NET F#: Finally Oneliner

We are not finished yet.

What is Next 🤔?

Consider continue reading [ F# - Playing with Records - Part Two ].